Human Services

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Human Services

Human Services

The goal of Human Services

Human services are a type of service considered essential for human welfare. Therefore, they are sometimes known as the fourth pillar of the welfare systems in society. The other three pillars are the health services, that of educational services and the pensions or financial benefits of guaranteed income for subsistence. Human services are named and organized in different ways in each country. In United States, the name most commonly used is precisely the human services, as evidenced by the laws of human services of different regions in which the country is divided.

Not easy to identify what is the human need to respond to human services or, put another way, what is the good that promote or protect. In the case of health services is that good or objective health. In the case of educational services is the learning throughout life. In the case of human services can say that these are concerned with personal autonomy and relational integration. In other words, human services working to prevent, mitigate or correct gaps between what people are capable of autonomously in everyday life and family and community networks to which they belong and support them. This happens, for example, when a child is in a position of vulnerability because of problems in your family (Allen-Meares, 2007).

To prevent or address these and other situations, human services provide support and personal assistance, human support, Community or others, based on a diagnosis and plan human dialogue with the user. Human services can be an outpatient, home, day, residential, etc.

While there are human service providers operating in the free market, human services have historically been created largely by the human initiative, i.e., the so-called non-profit or voluntary sector. In recent decades have become increasingly important public systems of human services, in which public authorities guarantee the right of citizens to human services.

The main objective of human services systems is to meet the diverse areas that constitute the social and personal development. However, there is no clear and unambiguous definition of the object of human services, although various definitions have been proposed as:

- Acting on the margins.

- Increase the quality of life.

- Social integration.

- Eliminate gender disparity.

- Protection of the right to equal access to resources and the right to difference.

The history of Human Services

The concept of social need is inherent in the idea of ??Human service. The history of Human services is the history of recognizing the needs and the organization of society to satisfy.

Sometimes we talk about quality of life and social need as if they were very different terms, but from our point of view this is not true. The concept of need is not unique. We should always speak of a need for ... If it is a necessity for survival we are talking about basic needs of Maslow's terminology, if it needs to reach the standard of living considered acceptable in a given social situation, we are referring to the needs of integration and ...
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