Human Service Organizations

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Human Service Organizations

Table of Contents


Human Service Organizations1

Goals and Functions of Human Service Organizations1

National Human Services Assembly2

The Kresge Foundation2

Functions of Human Service Organization3

Social Care3

Social Control3


Problems Faced By Service Organizations4

Human Service Organizations Addressing Problems in Society4

The National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation5

Educating Homeless Children (EDC)5

Legal and Tax Status of Human Service Organizations5

Worker's Role and Client's Role in Human Services Organization6

Conflict, Competition, and Cooperation in Human Services Organization8




Philosophy and Mission of National Network for Child Care (NNCC)10



Human Service Organizations


The objective of this write-up is to present a comprehensive piece of information about Human Service Organizations. Their primary goals and functions are highlighted, along with the major problems which are usually faced by such organizations. The report also takes into account the legal and tax status of human services organizations; analyzes the conflict, competition, and cooperation among them; highlights the worker's and client's role in these organizations; and how these organizations work for society's betterment. Lastly, the example of National Network for Childcare (NCC) is assessed if it is successfully working towards achieving its mission.

Human Service Organizations

Human service organizations are engaged in fulfilling varying needs of inhabitants of a society by employing a multidimensional knowledge and information base. They work towards preventing a problem, devising remedial solutions for it, and remain committed to improve the quality of life in the society (Woodside & McClam, 2011). However, it must be mentioned here that Human Service Organizations are also business entities; where their concern is to assess the quality of human life and condition; instead of maximizing profits.

Goals and Functions of Human Service Organizations

There are various types of human service organizations which are involved in working for different causes; for e.g. improvement in healthcare, childcare, old age care, education etc. Thus, each organization's goals vary as per its main business activity. However, the common theme for all remains the same; providing support services to improving the quality of human life in the society. To substantiate this point, goals of different human service organizations locally operating in the US are briefly stated as follows;

National Human Services Assembly

It is an association which is working for providing support for health sector, improving community, and improving the quality of human services (, 2012)


They intend to provide leadership to all other human service and development organizations at local and state level

They want to act as a catalyst in sharing knowledge and research based information that can help increase individual as well as organizational efficiency

They also want to create awareness in the masses about the significance of human service organization in the society and that these organizations should be trusted to being about improvement.

The Kresge Foundation

This organization works for creating opportunities for people living below the poverty line or belonging to low income group (, 2012).


Their goal is to bring about improvement in human life at all the levels so that the society as a whole could progress. In this regard;

They intend to create opportunities in the society which can be accessed by ...
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