Human Rights Movement

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Human Rights Movement

Human rights movement

Introduce your organization

Amnesty International is an NGO which aims to promote human rights and respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It helps with the release of prisoners of principles, the abolition of the death penalty and torture and arrest of political crimes. It has more than 50 countries as branches. It works with the accordance of UNESCO, Council of Europe and Organization of American States. It has more than three million members and donors in over 150 countries.

To guarantee the firm observation of system of international law by courts that have to judge political matters and to examine circumstances of confinement and allegations of torment, Amnesty International undertakes each year many missions. Its envoys were present as observers at the trial whose result is deemed vital. They prepare reports on these trials and on-site gather information on people imprisoned for their opinions. 

Amnesty International publishes an annual report monitoring the circumstances of human rights and their violations in all countries. It also publishes a number of important reports and documented disapproving the imprisonment policies practiced by governments in varied countries. It is a global nonprofit association, headquartered in London , founded by Premier Peter Binesn. It has the most significant position in the security of human rights and focuses on prisoners, particularly it seeks to free prisoners of principles, people who have been imprisoned for reasons related to their attitude, color, ethnicity or language or religion. It strives to achieve the standards of a fair test for all prisoners and in particular to them or their politicians have been imprisoned without trial or accuse in the original.

Mission statement

Amnesty International works on behalf of people captive for reasons of sense of right and wrong, men or women, that their attitude, their background or spiritual association or political worth their being depressed of their liberty. Amnesty International also opposes without reservation to all forms of torment and the death penalty. It works to the execution by governments of the regulations set by the UN in the handling of prisoners, including the Geneva Conventions. The association also asked to urge admiration for the rule of law, and to approve and execute human rights instruments.


On 19 November 1960, the lawyer British Peter Benenson read an article about two Portuguese students sentenced to seven years in jail. He instantly thought global stress that would assemble the public view in support of prisoners of principles: Amnesty International was born. The call published by Benenson, entitled The Forgotten Prisoners, is dispersed in the press on 28 May 1961, and the plan of a global movement in protection of individual rights instantly raises over 1,000 offers of support.

Members of Amnesty International form of national bodies in seven countries. From the outset, the values of severe neutrality and autonomy are recognized. The importance is steadfastly on the global safety of human rights and casualty aid. Amnesty International launched in 1972, a chief operation for the elimination of torment. Then in 1978, Amnesty International has received the Award of Human Rights ...
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