Human Rights In Iran

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Human Rights in Iran

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Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to strict civil liberties, including freedom of speech, press , assembly, association and individual liberties and violate the freedom of religion is hampered.


During the reign of the Islamic Republic of Iran by the General Assembly of the United Nations , except for one or two years, almost every year, a resolution on the violation of human rights by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has issued. In recent resolution of the UN General Assembly to issue A/RES/64 / 176 which was released in April 1389, , the Assembly condemned Iran in many cases. Including government protesters in the results of the presidential election in Iran (1388) (Kokh & Polian , p. 341) Iran as a member of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is committed without unreasonable restrictions to allow its citizens to compete in elections as candidates have equal opportunities. The Convention requires Member States to ensure the free expression of the will of the electors. The system Ankhabaty Iran candidates should be evaluated by the Interior Ministry and the Guardian Council , which consists of 6 jurist by Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader and appointed six lawyers, the judiciary chief appointed Leader of the House will be introduced, will be. Council shall be competent candidates from In order to confirm their adherence to Islam. (Ganji pp. 95-98)

Parliamentary In January 2008 the Ministry of Iran to more than 2,000 applicants 7597 Elections Engagement Eighth Parliament rejected. Ministry of reasons for their disqualification cases of "ill repute at home", "insulting religious sanctities", "state action" outlined. Most reformist candidates disqualified groups, especially groups close to President Mohammad Khatami were related. The majority of approved candidates alleged conservative formed.

Rules and regulations in such materials 513 and 514 of the Penal Code imposes penalties on the free expression of ideas, as well as uncertainties related to the security rules such materials 510 610, and 618 of the Penal Code and some limitations in the enjoyment of the right assembly gatherings peaceful causes.

Political Prisoners Mohammad Khatami , the president 's time in Iran in 2004 confirmed the existence of prisoners of conscience in the country, the number of political prisoners in the country is unknown, but according to hundreds of Iranian dissident groups opposed to mass opinion and state prisons. In August 2006 , Human Rights Watch, torture and suspicious death of student activist Akbar Mohammadi expressed

Women's Rights Shirin Ebadi , winner of the women's rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize : Campaign In March of the year 1385 on women, while only 5 days before it was passed 33 of the Iranian women's rights activists during a peaceful protest in front of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran and detained in Evin were taken. held a massive protest in reaction to women's rights activists and Out of Iran was followed. Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour United Nations was one of those who protested the ...
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