Human Rights

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Human Rights Act 1998

Human Rights Act 1998


The “Human Right Acts” impact on the development of law in the United Kingdom is been quite less and considerably less negative, rather than the predictions that were made in 1997 onwards. This act is one of the milestones in the political and the legal history of the UK, even though the European Convention is a protection sources for the Human Right Act. There have been many arguments that were elevated because of the whole range of criminal and civil court cases and have been given clear considerations in one third of the cases that are also considered by the House of Lords since the time the act was enforced. But in most of the occasions the court usually ends up to the same conclusion under the general law and making sure that the decisions that are taken are accurate. In most of the cases it has been seen that the human rights cases have been rejected just because of inappropriate or misconceived cases.


According to Betten (1999), the day the Human Right Act was passed by the Parliament in 1998, it made the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) part of law of United Kingdom. In introduced a culture that was there for everyone because it showed the relationship between you, your Government and fellow citizens. Betten (1999) said that this Human Right Act bought positive changes as well as openly welcomed every citizen and their rights to make it a major part of the law. These rights were specifically made in order to promote, protect and respect all the citizens and the government. Ensuring all the things that were said or believed or one was educated about and how one has to lead their private, physical and mental health, all these concerns were handled by the Human Rights Act. These laws help on individual basis making sure no one's rights are ignored. Living in a democratic society everybody has the right and freedom of expressions and it is suppose to be respected.

“The United Kingdom Bill of Rights”

The UK bill of Rights, it is important in considering the options before they set out their way forward that is subjected to recent commenting. This can be the act of revoking and acting on a different set of fundamental rights for which the permission would not be granted by the law, to connect with ECHR. There could be an advantage expected from these options that is they have charter of rights drafted and designed with references according to the British priorities and values. That could be interfered by the United Kingdom courts only (, 2006, pp 6).

Two difficulties

The difficulties created by these bills of rights that are the Parliamentary sovereignty. If these rights were well-established the Parliament is not capable of violating or amending them, that could remove the central pillar of our constitution and result in losing the sovereignty of the Parliament and the elected House of Common's ...
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