Human Rights

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Human Rights are Universal

Human Rights are Universal


This discussion will shed light on human rights and as a thesis the discussion will attempt to validate if human rights are universal. The position taken by the essay supports this assertion and therefore the following passages will give consideration to the reasons and rationale because of which human rights can be considered to be universally applicable. It merits highlighting that in order to do so adequately, the discussion will avoid delving into rights and focus on the reasons because of which human rights are universally applicable.


Human rights are universal because they are not external or man-made in nature. They represent the fundamental respect and independence that an individual can exercise without restrain of any sort; regardless of what the setting is (Hughes, 2011). Human rights are universal because they form the fundamental behind the evolution of man. They represent the first pillar upon which mankind has evolved and influenced the development of society. For instance, wars that have been fought have been fought by opponents each of whom believed that they were fighting for their rights. The drive to fight was fueled by the desire to preserve and sustain human rights; even if the perception of rights clashed amongst the opposing parties (Stenner, 2011). Human rights are universal because they are applicable on all human beings. In essence, perhaps the fundamental (and only) criterion for being subjectable to human rights is to be a human. Human rights are based on the premise that all men are equal; and therefore the rights granted to them should promote equality and independence. Opponents of the perception (that human rights are universal) argue that the provision of human rights to everybody can be expected to lead to nothing but chaos since multiple parties cannot possibly exercise their (human) rights simultaneously (Hoffman & Mcnulty, 2009). However, proponents counter with the assertion that the role and relevance of human rights cannot be nullified by one of the possible consequences that may come forth as a result of the universal application of human rights.

It is clear, therefore, that the legal fact which is founded on the ownership of human rights is simply the existence of the person, no need for any other attribute to their achievement. Consensus is that everywhere in the world, there are dissenters who depend on human rights to protect them against repression, be it of any nature (Addo, 2010). It is also known that there are activists who are seeking social reforms in a non-violent. And there are racial, ethnic and religious who are persecuted in their own countries. Human rights are, in large part, precisely to protect agents of social change and minorities against the tyranny of the majority.

The distinction prescriptive / descriptive is very important. Similarly, in the arena of international law, one cannot argue that because some nations practice torture or discrimination, or deny freedom of conscience to its own citizens, it is possible to reject internationally recognized standards that prohibit such ...
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