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There have been numerous reports on the British airports being used for various purposes by the security services of the US, their involvement in the extra ordinary renditions, it has been requested by Human Rights Join Committee to provide additional evidence to consider as portion of its review in to the UK's compliance with Convention of United Nations Against Torture (UNCAT). This was provided as a reply to the demand of evidences and enhancements by the earlier Joint Submission by Liberty and Justice in September 2005.

An extraordinary rendition is the “intentional transference of potential suspects for interrogation in to overseas countries, with the knowledge that torture would be inflicted” (Committee on Foreign Affairs, 2005, Para 89). For example, Saad Iqbal Madni who is Muslim was grabbed in Indonesia in Jan 2002. He was flown to Cairo in an executive plane without any judicial process. For two years, he was detained in Cairo and later transferred to Guantanamo Bay where he narrated his story to other detainees. These detainees witnessed the torture on Saad (Cobain et al 2005).

UK Involvement Allegations and information requested

The involvement of UK was reported in an article which was published in the Guardian on September 12 (Gray 2005). It stated that since 9/11, an average of one plane per week flows in to UK and supervised by CIA. The US had used 19 airports of UK and RAF bases as well, which includes Heathrow, Birmingham, Gatwick, Belfast, Lupton as well as Bournemouth. This issue was also raised in the parliament. In response to this growing concern, the Liberty asked ten of the chief constables to honor their obligations under domestic and international law and the conducting of criminal investigation according to the allegations. Liberty also asked the Government of UK to seek US assurance on the matter and investigate that such allegations were true or not and whether the sovereignty of the UK was harmed.

Government Response

The committee of Foreign Affairs stated in early 2005 that the Government of UK has miserably failed to provide the required answers regarding extraordinary rendition. It further added that if the government thought it was being done and was necessary for the war against terrorism, it should have the courage to say it freely, so that it could be hold accountable for. The Foreign Affairs Committee demanded straight answers from the government. The only measure taken by the government was in November 2005 when the EU Foreign Affairs demanded the United Kingdom presidency to seek clarifications from the United States on the alleged transportation of terrorists or detention. Thus, Jack Straw wrote a letter to Condoleezza Rice, asking to clarify to settle the public and parliamentary concerns. In response to this, Dr. Rice replied that rendition is a common and much needed tool to combat terrorism. She however, denied any direct involvement of the United States in torture. Dr. Rice was cunning enough not to name the countries from which the suspects have been kidnapped by ...
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