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Leadership Interview

Leadership Interview

Role models and inspirations play an important part in everybody's life and I am no exception. To me, my biggest source of inspiration is my grandfather. The premise behind him being the source of inspiration for me is the fact that he has a lived a past full of struggles that have aided me and my father in having a life that we enjoy today. It was the time of the Great Depression that he used to do 3 jobs a day to just to support my father and his family. Since those three jobs didn't support our huge family he initiated his own business of a car repair shop. He started in the year of 1940's and currently owns around 8 branches all of which are operating in different parts of the city. It was due to the great support that he had of my grandmother there were days when my grandfather never used to show up at home and used to sleep at the repair shop. As time passed by his business started flourishing and because of apt profits he inaugurated another shop and he gave my father the control of it. Later as my father grew up my grandfather took over the other shop again as he wanted my father to get higher education. With constant efforts and hard work my grandfather opened other workshops as well. Up till date he still has not retired and still works to the best of his abilities and has his own business.

Who were some of your major influences growing up and how have they helped mold you into the person you are today?

My major influence has always been my father and my teachers. I consider them truly inspirational. Today whatever I am is all because how they taught me to live. They made me strong and capable enough to stand on my feet. I belong to a poor family, and I learnt from my father that what struggle is and no matter how tough situation becomes he never taught me to give up (Augustine, 1998).

What do you think a leader should be like?

Leaders are the key players in any field who 'Make Things Happen'. They not only put in their efforts to excel within their expertise but also set an example for others to get inspired and motivated too. What is your definition of Leadership?

Leadership could be defined basically as the ability to positively influence other human beings to achieve a purpose whatsoever. If you look carefully, in recent years there has been a special interest in all cultures around the world for leadership, especially the human group business, after these came the educators, politicians, etc. and to the philosophical and reflective progress that has reached the issue, the leadership has strengthened and become a necessity in an alternative mediator of achievement and human potential manager. The leadership is then the process of influencing people to achieve their ...
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