Human Resources Role

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Human Resources Role

Human Resources Role


This paper intends to discuss the two to the four human resources role defined. In accordance with the descriptions of our course; there are four major roles that a human resource professional essentially takes up. The human resource professionals are meant to provide underlying guidance to the employees in any organization. This paper will select two of the four roles and describe them. Moving on, role change over time and the different aspects through which the two roles are extremely critical will be defined in the paper. Lastly; any actions that I would take for my subordinates for the purpose of developing or improving their performance in the individual roles they perform. The purpose of this paper is to make the readers aware about the significance of different roles human resources professionals tends to play.


This paper is about discussing the two important roles that the professionals of human resources tend to play. The basic roles that the professionals of human resources can essentially play are employee champion, administrative expert, change agent and strategic partner. All of the four described roles are important for the growth of every organization. I have selected the roles of employee champion and administrative expert to be discussed in this paper.

Description of the Roles

Employee Champion

In my opinion, the employee champion remains the most important role that human resource professionals play. Since the field of human resources is meant to deal with the problems and development of employees; the employee champion fulfills its purpose. The basic description of employee champion is that it helps within the development of employees (Giancola, 2011). The employee champions tend to develop competencies within the employees and generate commitment in them to work for the benefit of the organization. The employee champion works for the development of employees ...
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