Human Resources Management: Personnel Selection - Assessment Center Approach

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Human Resources Management: Personnel Selection - Assessment Center Approach

Human Resources Management: Personnel Selection - Assessment Center Approach


This is a proposal for the implementation of the assessment center approach in an organization. Thus, it highlights the benefits and cost associated with the implementation of assessment approach to an organization, as well drawn attention to the stages of implementation and methods and techniques to management to measure the effectiveness of the assessment center.

Nowadays, the approach of assessment center can be used in several setting such as safety forces, educational institutions, armed forces, government, business and industry to select competent people for positions in management, sales, technical, or supervisory. These assessment centers differ in selection, time and length of exercise. This permits a widespread use of the assessment center approach as it is becoming a cost and time effective approach. Below is a comprehensive proposal of assessment center approach in an organization.


An assessment center (AC) refers to a process where a number of difference competencies of present or potential workforce are assessed by more than one appraiser by means of several techniques. Such techniques consist of simulation or role plays, interviews and paper-and-pencil inventories (Woehr & Winfred, 2003). The outcomes of this approach can be used for development or selection of employees. An assessment center approach is also defined as a range of testing techniques intended to permit applicants to show, under standardized circumstances, abilities and skills that are most vital for success in a job. The assessment center term is actually catch-all term, which may include several exercises. An assessment center is a broad approach that includes leaderless group exercises, written report/analysis exercises, role play exercises, interview simulations, problem analysis exercises, counseling simulations and oral exercise.

The approach of assessment center engages several techniques of evaluation that includes several types of job related simulation, and at times psychological tests and interviews. Common simulations of job used in assessment centers include written and oral communication exercise, decision-making problems, fact-finding exercises, interviews simulations with clients or subordinates, group discussions and in-basket exercises. Simulations are intended to bring out attitudes, actions and manners pertinent to the most significant aspects of the level or positions for that assesses are being taken into consideration. However, the assessment centers format differs based on the job nature for which applicants are being appraised, time and facilities availability, the particular skills that are needed, and the nature of the company.

There are several benefits of assessment center approach; some of them are (Caldwell, Thornton & Gruys, 2003):

AC is not only a standard but accurate process of recruitment as they permit an extensive range of selection approaches used in the process.

AC allows interviewers to evaluate the current performance, along with future job performance prediction.

AC offers the opportunity to differentiate and evaluate between applicants who appear very similar on paper and in terms of quality.

AC provides the applicants a better understanding into the role because they are examined on exercise that is distinctive for the job they have applied ...