Human Resources; Fun Police Or Employee Champion?

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Human Resources; Fun Police or Employee Champion?

Human Resources; Fun Police or Employee Champion?


This paper intends to debate based on the statement of “Human Resources, fun police or employee champion?” or in other words; the HARD and SOFT models of Human Resources Management. This is basically a critical thinking report which will present each side of the debate on Human Resources Management. There are different approaches which are adopted by companies for the purpose of managing its employees; the HARD and SOFT models of human resources management represents aht basic two models of managing the employees. Further, the paper will also identify the types of arguments and will focus over different aspects related to the issue before presenting an evaluative judgment. The purpose of this paper is to make the readers aware about the significance of deploying the relevant HARD and SOFT models of HRM.

Critical Thinking

The basic purpose of this paper is to present the two sides of the argument related to the topic of “Human Resources, fun police or employee champion?” or in other words; the HARD and SOFT models of Human Resources Management. The topic seems to be important mainly because it will make the human resource professionals more able to understand which type of HRM model is best suited for their business situations and the underlying growth of the company.

Human Resources

The field of human resources is basically meant to deal with all the relevant human resources issues. The human resources department is responsible for a variety of activities ranging from recruitment and selection to managing employee related issues; and from making appraisal decisions to ending the employment relationship. All the activities that is directly related to the employees; the human resource department is basically connected with it. Human resources department in every organization is basically meant to retain the employees through solving their daily issues and working hard for the mutual gain of the company and the employees. The two models of HRM are HARD and SOFT models. The HARD model as suggested by the name represents 'the fun police' aspect which is basically a stricter version of conducting human resource activities. On the other hand, the SOFT model represents 'the employee champion' aspect which is a version of human resource activities based on a soft side.

Fun Police

The fun police basically represent a stricter version of the human resource management activities. The fun police acts actually like a human resource police and is completely focused towards ensuring the policies and procedures of the company. In other words; it could be easily suggested that the role of human resources under the fun police is 'employer' or 'company' focused rather than employee focused. The fun police side of human resource management is more concerned over getting the work done and less concerned about the problems or even growth and development of the employees. The company's success remains the basic focus; the employees are not valued in a sense they actually need to ...