Human Resources Cultural Issues

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Human Resources Cultural Issues

Human Resources Cultural Issues


Culture has a number of different definitions and each country has its own culture and values. The culture of a country can have a huge influence on the working and the culture of an organization. In this paper, I have discussed the concept of culture and the cultural values. Then I have discussed the culture of China in view of a number of different authors, and the cultural aspects of Chinese people. The topic of cross-cultural management by a U.S based firm has also been discussed towards the end of the report.


The culture of China is substantial in its core nature; it is very comprehensive in varieties. The culture of China has a very long and wonderful history, which is like an elephant in front of a blind person in the historic stories, for a man who does not have much knowledge about the culture of China. The blind man does not have the capability to comprehend the concept of an elephant in its totality (Grazia 2003). Such people usually hold onto a small part of the elephant, and from this point, they usually make an effort to draw the complete elephant. The person, who will hold the culture of China by the feet, would describe the Chinese as very conservative in their nature.

Cultural Comparison between China and U.S


When we talk about the idea of one self, the idea of concept about oneself is very dissimilar as compared to the idea of the people in U.S. The people following the culture of China usually ask for a number of points of view for a subject. In other words, these people follow communism. On the other hand, the people of U.S usually believe in promoting autonomy and individuality. Whilst the idea of self-promotion or blustering, is both tolerable in the culture of U.S, but this thing is considered as extreme unethical in the culture of China. (Mascarelli, Gloria, and Mascarelli 2003)

Interaction in the society

When we analyze the culture of China, we can find much more interaction at the communal level as compared to the society and culture of U.S. In China, elders usually make the juniors learn and adapt to the society, in accordance with their roles in society. However, in the ordinary society of U.S, the concept of social interaction is becoming more of a leisurely and informal thing. In the social interactions, people do not consider the age of other people in their social circle. However, in China, this thing is given a lot of weight age.


The culture of China and U.S differ quite sharply on the concept of friendship and acquaintanceship. The people in the U.S culture usually have a big group of acquaintances and friends; whilst, people in China usually have a small and closely-knit group of friends. The people in U.S try to avoid developing long-term relationships and believe more in short-term relationships. The Chinese people do not believe in having short-term friendships. ...
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