Human Resource Strategies

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Human Resource Strategies

Executive Summary

The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the human resource strategies and its implementation. The paper makes discussion on the key stakeholder trends which are related to the human resource management. The paper discusses the likely trends in the areas of supply of labour, HR strategies of key rivals, and labour law changes. The paper also discusses the HR strategies to cope with the stake holder's needs and meet long-term business needs. People are in all the organisations, and organisations are made up of only people. These people are called human resource by the organisations. Every organisation has human resource, and the size of the organisation is not dependent on the organisation. The organisation only grows and develops when it has quality human resource and the effort of these resources lead to the organisational growth (Allen, 2004, p. 13).

Table of Content


Identification of Key Stakeholder Trends relating to Human Resource Management3

Supply of Labour6

HR Strategies of Key Rivals6

Labour Law Changes8

Step four: Planning HR Strategies to meet Long-term business needs and cope with stakeholder trends8

Human Resource Policies8

Human Resource Strategies10



Human Resource Strategies


Human resource management these days face different problems and issues. It is very necessary for any organisation to get the knowledge about these issues and prepare different strategies to resolve these issues. The main issue in the human resource management has its relation with the training and development of employees. It is very necessary for organisations that they should provide the proper training and development facilities to their employees, so that they can perform in an effective way. Another issue in terms of human resource management is planning, development and acquisition of human resources. It is necessary for companies that their human resource should be well-planned; therefore, they should develop the necessary strategies to support the human resource. Workplace diversity is also another issue faced by the companies in terms of human resource management. Employees of the companies face discrimination on the basis of their races, gender, religion and ethnicity. This affects the productivity of the employees, and they do not get the motivation to work. Therefore, it is very necessary for firms that they should maintain the strategies that eliminate the workplace diversity.

Identification of Key Stakeholder Trends relating to Human Resource Management

To identify the stake holder's trends related to the human resource management is an essential key. It helps in understanding the organizational human resource trends related to the different key stake holders, and understanding the deficiencies and opportunities of the human resource management practices. It is also helpful in identifying the human resource strategies that could be helpful in meeting up these trends and overcome the threats. Following are the key stakeholder trends related to the human resource management.

Supply of Labour

It is very necessary to understand the labour trends to review the human resource management. Labour supply is the key essential of the human resource management. It helps in understanding the role of human resource management, and the ways through which ...
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