Human Resource - Reflective Paper

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Human Resource - Reflective Paper

Human Resource - Reflective Paper


Since historic times, humans have been considered as the most important resource available. No matter what work is getting done and how it is being performed, some level of human work is required. However, as organizations have grown in size and complexity, managing the issues of employees has become a tough task. In order to manage employees, the need for an effective Human Resource Management cannot be ruled out. The main goal of Human Resource Management is to ensure that employees are being used effectively to benefit the organization as well as the employees. Since the introduction of the concepts of HRM, it has become complex and tougher to manage than before. Human resource functions include employee-labor relations, health and safety, compensation and benefits, human resource development, selection, recruitment, human resource planning, affirmative action plans, equal employment opportunities, etc. These functions show the vast functions of Human Resource Management. The main aim of this paper is to reflect on my learning experience in the field of Human Resource Management. The course presented a detailed aspect into the field of HRM and relating it to real life scenarios showed its importance.


HRM is directly dependent on the change in world economics. At the time when the global economy was developing at a fast pace, HRM took a turn towards development. During this time, the developments made in this field ensured that it becomes strategically important. During the recession, HRM faced a tough challenge as it had to ensure that employees do not feel they are being treated in a wrong way. During recessions, jobs get cut, salaries remain constant, bonuses get eliminated etc. These cause frustration among employees , but it is the role of HRM to ease the issue.

The first step of Human Resource is EEO and Affirmative Action. In these steps, the HR officers begin the hiring of employees. EEO ensures that there is no discrimination in the organization while hiring its employees. All candidates should be given a fair opportunity to prove their worth to the organization. While adopting EEO, HR should formulate policies through which it could ensure that the candidates are given equal opportunities. I believe that, in the future, EEO would be highly discriminatory because of the variety of qualifications that exist. For instance, in order to fill a finance position, students with several qualifications may wish to apply but the organization may set a certain requirement. This would create friction since candidates with other qualifications who believe that they could fill the position would feel discriminated.

Another important task performed by HR is the planning of employee needs. Every organization has an aim to grow and thus, the need for additional employees would be there. Along with this, current employees would also resign. Therefore, the role of HR is to determine the needs of the organization over a certain span of time. Planning is crucial as it would determine the efforts ...
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