Human Resource Planning

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Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning


Planning is not only important in organization, it is also important in everyday life. Human Resource Planning includes collection of information, creating objectives, and decision making to facilitate the company to achieve its objectives. This paper demonstrates the understanding of human resource planning and reasons for human resource planning in an organization. It furthers elaborate the stages in human resource planning and recruitment process along with the comparison of recruitment and selection between two organizations and its effectiveness.


The reason to manage a human Resource Planning is because of the cost involved, as it forms a significant part of the budget and employees (Armstrong, 2012. p.78). The organization maintains the required staff by using recruitment process without any discrimination to fill the staff shortage. Most of the times, company uses training and development programs because of the implications of the involved cost.

Human Resource Planning Process

Reasons to manage Human Resource planning are to increase the volume of the business or to control the labour cost. The company does it as part of their organizational strategy or to meet labour supply and demand. Technological changes and changing nature of the work encourages an organization to manage HR Planning (Richards, 2013). Activities include in the Human Resource planning are:

Need - an organization analyze the need for human resource planning because of environmental changes, externally and internally. Externally, an organization is impacted by technological changes. Internally, an organization is impacted by the retirement and turnover.

Planning Phase - It involves four phases in human resource planning:

Analyzing and gathering data about supply and demand based on the future of business plans.

An organization must recognize their specific objective that may affects decision-making with regards to candidates, whether to hire through internal or external exploration.

Demand Forecasting - it involves the forecasting of demand for particular position and skills.

Succession Planning - it involves the identification of the position in the company and creates a plan to fill that position through external or internal exploration. It also includes leadership development program, or training and development program.

Future - the company analyze future supply and demand within the organization, which may include contingent workers, virtual workers, and advancement of technological.

Recruitment Process

Organization requires to follow a recruitment process to fill a vacancy or new position that contributes to the achievement of the mission and objectives of the company. It is important for a company to hire a right person at right time for the right job. The decision to hire personnel is strategic for the company. Recruitment is a step by step process that an organization follows to achieve its goal.

Job Description and Profile

Job description includes roles and responsibilities for a job in written for job candidates. It also clarifies the reporting association between immediate command and the position of the job. Job description lists down the list of main activities that an employee has to perform for the required position (Huselid, 1993. p.35).

The definition of the job description comprises of three parts, which includes ...
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