Human Resource Management Skills

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In the modern business world, specialist human resource management skills are critical to organisational survival and successes.

In the modern business world, specialist human resource management skills are critical to organisational survival and successes.


Our society depends on institutions and organizations to provide goods and services they want, these organizations are led and guided by the decisions of one or more individuals; managers. It is they who allocate the resources of society to different objectives. The organization at all times, managers need to possess skills and abilities that enable her team to participate in an environment that encourages engagement and participation at different levels of work, promotes learning growth, orient the staff towards results and thus the individual and group performance of each of them. Job enrichment is generally associated with the performance of a manager, since it is he who is in the top of the organizational structure, where survival of the organization depends on its ability, having to constantly make decisions about goals, actions, resources in search of improved efficiency in the work, as well as personal satisfaction as a human being is (Bonache, 2002, 87).

Managers have the authority and responsibility to develop safe and unsafe products, to seek war or peace, to build or destroy cities, to clean or pollute the environment. Establishing the conditions under which we provide jobs, income, lifestyle, products, services, protection, care and knowledge, "will be very difficult to find someone that is neither a manager nor depend on the decisions of a manager (Bonache, 2002, 87).

Individuals who have not been "trained as managers" are often in management positions. Many people today are preparing to become teachers, accountants, musicians, vendors, doctors or lawyers, some day earn a living as managers, they will lead universities, accounting firms, orchestras, sales organizations, government institutions. There is always someone in the organization that depends on a manager, but no one taught to be manager. There are a number of skills one that should drive a manager either in the workplace interaction and / or staff, noting that the performance that has a member of the organization is not only the responsibility of the subject, but that this responsibility is shared, both by this member conditions as offered by the organization through processes and leaders (Competencies, 2003, 34).

Managers are crucial to organizations of all sizes, can create opportunities for employees to accurately judge the performance and encourage maximum productivity improvement. When the manager achieves these valuable results, people who are under their responsibility can be very productive (Competencies, 2003, 34).

The management of skills by the manager contribute to the fulfillment of the functions of the organization, giving her the most competent, because human resources are particularly important in dynamic environments, and this is where the employees if they are properly managed facilitate adaptation and continued renewal of the company to adapt to market demands (Competencies, 2003, 34).


A business enterprise has two main inputs: human resources and materials. Human resource inputs are made by people working ...
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