Human Resource Management: Role In Diversity & Equality

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Human Resource Management: Role in Diversity & Equality

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Human Resource Management: Role in Diversity & Equality


Human resource management can be defined in the current global business environments the core component of the organization. In the current business environmental are the creativity and the innovation factors possessed by the companies, which allow them to be able to compete in the competitive markets. The process of globalization has drastically changed the business environment where the companies have to face several new challenges. The companies that worked in stable and limited consumer markets now have to deal with the pressures of the global consumer market (Lengnick et Al, 2009, pp. 84). They have to make the relevant changes to the business policies and the infrastructures to be able to cope with these changes, and attain competitive advantage. The customers in this market are not loyal to a one particular brand and have a much customized demand (Wright & McMahan, 2011, pp. 98). They have a large number of global brands to choose form, and they can simply change brand loyalties on the perceived value.

In this scenario it is very important for the company to ensure that it is firstly able to deal with the challenges of the globalization process, and then also be able to differentiate itself from the rest of the competition. In this scenario the role of the human resource managers has become highly important. In the traditional perspective the HR managers had predominantly a reactive role where they only focused on the compensation and compensatory policies of the company. In the current environment the HR role has been designed to be highly proactive in nature, where it must provide the organization with the most talented and skilled professionals present on the global scenario (Chen & Huang, 2009, pp. 113). It is also the role of the HR management to ensure that the process of globalization is implemented within the company and a conducive workplace culture is formed, which is in compliance with these trends in the market. As a whole the HR managers have to carry out a large number of crucial tasks, which are highly important in the ability of the company to attract the consumer base, and enhance the target market (Roberge & van Dick, 2010, pp. 299).


HR Policies at the Coca Cola Company

The Coca Cola Company can be defined as one of the largest global brands present in the modern business environment. The brand has been able to enhance its operational function throughout the various countries in the world, and has also developed a strong global brand image. The American based soft drink manufacturing company is headquartered in Atlanta Georgia. The success factors which have led to eth worldwide growth of the company can be defined as the emphasis on creativity and innovation. Products quality is the basic requirement of all of the product s and the manufacturing facilities of the company. Throughout the world the multinational organization has ensured that a similar standard of ...
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