Human Resource Management And Diversity Of Workforce

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Human Resource Management and Diversity of workforce

Human Resource Management and Diversity of workforce

Part 1: Roles of Human Resource Management

There are various roles which are to be performed by the Human Recourses (HR) management. It is their responsibility to provide such a workforce to the organization, that the business is able to attain its organizational goals. The roles of HR have fundamentally changed from the earlier times and its role has become more dynamic (Roehling, M. V, et al(2005).

. Hiring is not the only role of HR, rather their main work sprats after the hiring process has been completed and they have to analyze the performance of the workforce. The performance evaluation would be done by the HR department along with the other departmental heads, because the HR manager would not be able to evaluate the performance of a certified accountant or financial professional as they have different performance criteria. Communication between the HR manager and the different departments would play a significant role is achieving the desired organizational goals and this must be done while keeping the integration element in mind.

The HR manager is responsible for catering to the training and development needs of employees so that they are able to enhance the productivity levels and ultimately have a positive effect on the organizational growth. Therefore, if the mangers of other departments feel that training needs have arisen, they must inform the HR department and take them into confidence so that the specific training and development needs could be met. The workforce must be performing in an effective and efficient way.

Financial incentives are an effective tool used by the management. The financial needs of the individuals shall be taken into consideration; as a result the employee would show his complete commitment and dedication to this work. However, over ...
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