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Conflict Awareness

Conflict Awareness


Conflict is inevitable by nature. Wherever there are different people with different goals and ambitions, In the process of achieving those goals, conflicts are bound to occur. Conflicts are in all aspects of life; however the conflict in focus here is the workplace conflict. The conflict at work place can be due to many reasons which could be due to over stepping authority, not fulfilling responsibilities in time, ethical issues etc. It is based on the conflict-solving skills of the leader that can result in positive or negative outcomes. Leaders should conduct needs assessment to analyze and address such problems so that the conflict is resolved before hand.

Needs Assessment

It is a systematic process of identifying and addressing the performance gap by identifying the reason behind the performance discrepancy. Performance discrepancy is the difference between the actual and the desirable productivity of an organization. In order to understand the problem in an effective and efficient manner, intensive needs assessment should be conducted. It aids in identifying the root cause of the problem. There might be many problems that can be detected in the process but those problems need to be identified in terms of severity. A needs chain model can be made use of and the performance and conscious aspect of it can be utilized to detect what route the problem is coming from (Burton, 1991).

Process of Needs Assessment

A Training Needs Assessment is a systematic process of dividing the job task into sub task and then based on priority, then for each job task a customized Individual training plan is developed. It involves identifying the required knowledge, skills and attitude (KSA) by analyzing the KSA's of the incumbents present in the job. Mostly training programs fail because organizations fail to identify and assess the actual set of competencies (Fulgham, 2008).

Job Analysis

The need to conduct job analysis arises when there is a difference between the required performance and the actual performance of the employee. The purpose of Job analysis is to identify what the training needs

The premise and the process behind utilizing the training need analysis are:

1.To identify whether there is a performance discrepancy that exists within the organization in terms of desired performance level and the actual performance level. To determine the entire roadmap of the training seminar in terms content. Content deals with the topics to be presented and the activities that ...
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