Human Resource Management

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HRM is concerned with How Organizations Manage their Workforce

HRM is concerned with How Organizations Manage their Workforce


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the significance of human resource management in organizations. This paper aims to enlighten different perspectives of human resource management; in addition, the paper discusses that the human resource management is concerned with employee management in organizations. Human resource management is a dynamic field, evolving quickly from its early focus on understanding the patterns of impact of HRM practices and systems on performance to embracing the mediating mechanisms. At the same time, researchers in this area continue to push the boundaries of what we know and are engaging in exciting research that delves deeper into the mediating mechanisms of how HRM systems work. The definition of HRM reinforces the notion that HRM practices create valuable resources within the firm that are capable of producing competitive advantage through people. Indeed, more than two decades of research has accumulated a vast body of knowledge which suggests that HRM practices that impact the motivation, knowledge, skills, and behaviours of employees lead to better employee, organizational, and financial outcomes.

The current role for human resource professionals is that of a partner in helping the organization attain its business strategy. Without effective human resource management, the company cannot accomplish high-level goals such as competing globally, grabbing market share, and being innovative. A way HRM contributes to business strategy is by helping to build high-performance work practices. Integration of 92 studies found that organizations could increase their performance 20 percent by implementing high-performance work practices. HR planning, which is an important component of HR management, HR management integrates the overall plan of the organization. Most organizations of medium and large have a plan that guides so that they can fully realize their mission.


The organizations routinely develop investment plans to enable them to achieve their goals, and it is equally important though less common to develop plans about the staff. There are many reasons due to which Human Resource Management is critical towards the success of an organization and for meeting its goals and objectives. There are various companies, which exert lots of efforts in order to meet the needs of the employees to create a supportive atmosphere for increasing their productivity levels.

Human Resource Management is the appropriate source to achieve this factor. When the perfect plan, generated regarding the needs of employees to improve their skills, it not only becomes beneficial for the employees but the organization, as well (Baird, 1988, 89). There are certain strategies formulated by the Higher Management that mainly focuses on the company's strategic position in the market and work teams who need to perform their roles in a responsible manner. The given case provides the scenario of reducing one plant, so that the organization can manage their work effectively. This strategy can be executed if human resource department played its role in the best way.

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