Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


Human resource management comprises of a set of activities which consists of to acquire, maintain and maintain the human resource of an organisation. As implied by the definition, human resource management begins with the process of acquisition i.e., hiring people for working in the organisation. After this, the next step of HRM is to retain the work force by providing them the best remuneration packages, since the employees have the option to quit, in case, they feel dissatisfied. Finally, developing the human resource to their fullest capacity is the next critical step for human resource management. For each of these three essential elements; acquiring, maintaining and developing, there are a number of associated activities; thus, HRM makes up the most significant resource of an organisation. It is rational that an organisation tries every possible effort to acquire the best human resource and this effort refers to Human Resource Management (HRM), also known as personnel or staff management (Pride et al., 2011).


Effects of Globalisation and Organisational Size on HRM

Globalisation has affected a number of aspects of the HRM practices. Taking into consideration the changes in the context of United Kingdom; the challenges which highly complex organisations such as MNCs face can be explained in terms of synchronizing opposing forces and not in making binary choices. As a result of globalisation, a number affects came upon HR practices but to for the sake of brevity, a few includes: increased professionalism in HR functions, labour force requires flexible working hours. Organisations have to provide the labours with flexible working hours because, in United Kingdom, labour is short at the moment.

This list goes on, but the need for HR functions of an organisation at present is the ability to regulate with an increasing degree of regulations while responding to changing organisational needs simultaneously (Cesyniene, 2008). Similarly, organisational size also affects the HR functions which in turn affect the organisational performance. Organisations that are relatively larger in size have special resources and HR management policies, as well as guidelines which are helpful in supporting the global performance agendas of the organisation effectively. Hence, HR management of large organisations has higher responsibilities towards them (Vance and Paik, 2007).

HR function at Personnel and Strategic Level

At personnel level, HR functions are different as compared to the strategic level. Human Resource management performs recruitment and selection of the employees, providing them a thorough ...
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