Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Role of IT in HRM


It will be a challenging task to create team unity between the thousands of casual and temporary staff during the Olympics event in London in 2012. However, technology can certainly play a pivotal role in improving effective communication between the entire staff. When the London Olympics will take place in 2012, there will be a huge need to maintain proper coordination between employees and to set an appropriate guideline which they will need to follow during the event. An appropriate database will be needed for recording the data of employees in order to keep themselves updated. The importance of technology is increasing in every company and industry because it provides lots of benefits to employees. When any significant event takes place, the communication factor carries immense significance at that time. If there would not be any communication among the employees, it would suddenly affect them in a negative way. No organisation can afford to have any flaws in their communication.

The importance of HRM during key events

The HRM function is changing. It is a function of increasingly fragmented and divided operations. It has been exploded with a wide process of decentralization and reduction of central services, together with a responsibility to the players closer to the ground. Managers are called, now more than ever, playing a key role in managing and developing the skills of their staff, requesting the hierarchy is precisely the tools and expertise to fulfil this role. The Human Resource Management HRM can be conceived as a "separate" area but as an integrated function and it becomes increasingly well positioned to articulate a proper strategy. Individuals themselves become responsible for developing and maintaining their competencies: distinctive competence and collective competence can not be reduced but are not contradictory because the individuals and the hierarchy have a shared responsibility. In this context, the development of skills of the company as a condition of performance, human resources manager or HR department plays an interface role and central board, becoming down force (including methodology) projects developed by business units. (Adamson, 2001, pp. 25-43)

The head of human resources supports the opening up of functions and positions on cross-cutting themes and the conduct of projects. HRD can play a crucial role in project monitoring and provide direction for feedback on the projects managed by managers. The function of HR has evolved, and, its profile on regular basis. It has become more professional, and, equipped: in the public, and, the individual managers have learned to develop specifications, analyze needs and building training plans. The tools used are not necessarily tools, but trying to be consistent with the practices of the entire structure. Certain powers "traditional" HRM tend to be outsourced, or, subcontracted in-house by the HR department in favour of expanding the field into areas of specialty. The development is related to changes in regulations or concerned social values. HRD is committed these days, other saints including the new ...
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