Human Resource Management

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Human Resource management

Human Resource management


Influences on Human Resources

The human resources companies also go global. Thus emerges the figure of "expatriates," those executives within a corporation, due to its successful work, are sent to offices in other countries to put into practice his experience there. It sometimes happens because the seat has a problem, or because the corporate requirements of the company require certain positions (usually the management or general office, and / or finance), but it can be like learning market local companies abroad.

However, the exchange of executives, not always effective, especially for those more sensitive areas such as marketing, since each country has differential cultural characteristics that require particular knowledge in order to set strategies successful. Less sensitive areas, are the technical, manufacturing for example, where the contrary, the industry can be enhanced by national international standards of quality and production. This is the overall result of the emergence of the so-called globalisation (Mayer, 2009, 169-75) .

The progress of globalisation of the world economy is very large, but it is noteworthy that those achieved in other fields of human activity are too. Among them may be highlighted:

migration (the "expatriate" of which we spoke)

The travel and international meetings (required for communications between agencies of different countries)

The telephone, (and include the mobile satellite) and other means of communication: video conference, pagers (pagers), internet, etc.

relations and organizations interstate (ie, between certain agencies in different states)

The creation of non-governmental organizations (of rights human rights (Amnesty International), green (Green Peace), humanitarian (ADRA), etc.) (Michael, 2009, 90-1) .

Cultural Influences of Globalization

Globalization produces a kind of close union between countries and even between people of different countries, as never seen before. On the other hand, we witness the resurgence of nationalism of all kinds: ethnic, religious, cultural, as we see happening in Europe: Ireland, Yugoslavia, Scotland, the Basque country, etc. While the rest of the world is looking to unify, they just want their independence. In the economic field we observe the trend towards consolidation of a kind of global market, but at the same time many countries (just the most developed countries) take protectionist measures, especially to other blocks.


Flexible Work: Other Meanings for One Word

The term referred to labour flexibility, in general, a critical view of legal rules on wage labour, which they claim efforts to facilitate the growing need for business adaptability in a context of constant increase in competitiveness. From there it is again and again alludes to the flexibility and appeal recipe to improve business performance and job creation (Mick, 2010, 45-50.

Flexible Working in Europe

In reaction to the jobless economic growth in Europe have implemented various forms of labour flexibility, all agreed on a broad social pact, and implemented through collective bargaining. One strategy has been to establish flexibilisation new contractual arrangements more flexible entry into the job without ensuring job security. This special work contracts of limited duration, which allow companies to hire workers for a specified period or to perform any work or specific task, replacement ...
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