Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


Human resource management (HRM) is described as the policies, practices, and systems that persuade employees' behaviour, attitudes, and performance. Numerous companies refer to HRM as involving “people practices” (Kosch, 2007). The objective of HRM is to make the most of employees' contributions in order to achieve best possible productivity and efficiency, while together attaining individual goals and meeting legal agreement while demonstrating social responsibilities. There has been a significant change in the role of HRM professional from the “personal” professional of past. The movement in globalization, technology, diversity, e-business, and ethics has been in some measure responsible for the swift changes in the field (University of Phoenix, 2008).

United States (U.S.) workers were compelled to take a new look at the way they were working when in the beginning years of the 21st century their contentment was stirred. New trends are changing the shape of human resource management and if a business is to survive in today's uncertain climate, it must be able to take inventive action in times of ambiguity and change (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2007, p. 30). The academic environment that future HRM professionals are learning in is changing to programs that focus on business and financial skills that are teaching upcoming HR personnel the art of developing planning skills and thinking strategically (Rodriguez, 2006).

Trends in Globalization

With industry spreading throughout the globe, human resource management is becoming multifaceted and challenging. In order to stay competitive, companies are realizing new and inventive ways of running their business and shielding foreign competitors' efforts to gain ground in the U.S. market. U.S. businesses must develop global markets, keep up with opposition from overseas, hire from a worldwide labour pool, and prepare employees for global assignments in order to confront such challenges. Technology and modernization have created a smaller world where businesses are considering the most lucrative options to run their companies globally. One such option to manage a company globally is off shoring, which is the supplying of workforce talent worldwide. Off shoring creates controversy by permitting companies to hire talent from overseas that are willing to work for less compensation than those workers hired within the U.S. (Noe, et al, 2007, p. 47). Many companies such as Wyeth have moved much of their manufacturing offshore to be able to pay workers less money, but also to pay fewer taxes on their property and goods.


New technologies are changing the face and outlook of today's workplace. New technological advancements have changed the role of HRM and the way that HRM conducts business. Employee information that includes abilities, training records, payroll and benefits/ compensation management can be stored on the company's computer and controlled with easy to use spreadsheets. Frequently, this information is stored on a software program Human Resource Information System or HRIS (Noe, et al, 2007, p. 50). HRIS is a recordkeeping software program that will capture employee data. Different companies sell HRIS and each holds different capabilities based on an organization's ...
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