Human Resource Management, 4th Edition By John Bratton And Jeff Gold

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Human Resource Management, 4th edition by John Bratton and Jeff Gold

Human Resource Management, 4th edition by John Bratton and Jeff Gold


Strategic human resource development provides opportunities for learning, development and training and thereby increases individual, team and organizational performance. Strategic HRD is defined as development that occurs on clear representations about the abilities and potential of people who work in the strategic structure of the business as a whole. Strategic HRD offers a broad and promising look at how policy and practice in the field of HRD can assist in the implementation of business strategies. It follows the business because the HRD strategy derived from the business strategy, and its role is positive, because it ensures that business objectives will be achieved. Strategic HRD deals with resource expansion opportunities in accordance with the belief that the human resources of the company are the main source of competitiveness. That is, it raises issues of intellectual capital necessary organization, as well as providing the necessary to meet present and future needs of quality personnel.

The challenge of managing HR in organizations is to develop management policies that focus on the development of the human being as a person and professional citizen. Thus, their inclusion has a strategic character to the organization, as it must have a systemic view of the same considering not only the body functional, but all relationships that the company provides to society, consumers, suppliers and shareholders. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the problems and tensions embedded in HRD and employee participation. Identify organizational work with unions to achieve strategic HRM goals and argues that employers exploiting “emotional labor” are contravening employee rights and reinforcing gendered, classed, and raced social relations.

Currently, the search for quality has become a constant in organizations, there is a great need to make profound changes in organizational structure, regarding the proposed partnership programs, encourage employee participation, intensive training, and investments in technologies mainly concern for the quality of life for employees. Since happy employees become more productive and generate customer satisfaction.

What makes the difference in a company today, is people, it is qualified by a company that stands firm to act in an overly competitive market, composed of customers increasingly demanding and aware of their rights. The technology is of paramount importance, but no longer makes a difference, since those who do not have will be off the market.


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