Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


The BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. It is a public service broadcaster, established by a Royal Charter and funded by the licence fee that is paid by UK households.

The BBC uses the income from the licence fee to provide services including 8 national TV channels plus regional programming, 10 national radio stations, 40 local radio stations and an extensive website. BBC World Service broadcasts to the world on radio, on TV and online, providing news and information in 32 languages. It is funded by a government grant, not from the licence fee.

This assignment presents the importance of how to enhance motivationof key workers in UK industries/sectors,(British broadcasting corporation)(BBC) and how effective methods utilised within the idustry/sectors in diffrent economic and political times.

As far as motivation is concerned it is the fact that everyone wants to be appreciated. This goes for managers as well as employees, parents as well as children, and coaches as well as players. Motivation in an organization towards achieving the organizational goals.(Furnham,2001) Motivating the employees using various rewards is one of the key roles of the manager. In the world there are many new skilled workers, to make full use of their skills and knowledge manager must design himself to ensure the needs of these employees are met. So rewards are one of the key factors to get full productivity from the employee. Hence this work brings out the theories and the rewarding methods adopted by the top level managers for maximizing the efficiency of the employees.(Dizikes,2003) Also the implementation of the rewards is analyzed.


Writers such as FW Taylor (1856 - 1915) believed workers would be motivated by obtaining the highest possible wages through working in the most efficient / productive way. In short, the more money you offer the worker, the more motivated they will be to work. Taylor, identified as the Father of Scientific Management, was obsessed with optimising efficiency and productivity in all areas of life. ( Whilst out walking he would attempt to ascertain the optimum length of stride required to cover a distance ). His most well known research focused on scientifically analysing the tasks performed by workers, and it is through these studies that we can understand Taylor's approach to motivation of the worker.

Through the scientific study of work Taylor sought to enable the worker to achieve the maximum level of output, and in return gain the maximum financial reward for their labour. The best way to pay a worker according to Taylor was on a performance related basis. In one study he looked at the work of steel workers, and by identifying the optimum load of coal per shovel, which would enable the worker to lift the maximum tonnage each day, the steel works plant reduced its workforce from 600 to 140. The reward for those workers lucky enough to keep their jobs - 60% higher wages ...
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