Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

This paper is based on an interview of my friend, Jones, whom I talked over the telephone just a couple of days ago. He has been working as Senior Manager at a well established organization


While talking, Jones' voice seemed very confident and relaxed as he was enjoying a good position in the organization. For the task assigned to me, I took an appointment from and interviewed the HR Manager of a well-established organization who has been working in the field of Human Resource for the past four years as a HR Manager and before that was also a teacher in the same. My initial reaction to that field was a very easy-money kind of job that needs nothing special but a few communication skills and a good personality to match, but I was wrong.

The meeting took place at his office, which was well decorated and very efficiently stacked. After the short introduction the interview started. Since he was a child, he said, he has been interested in the art of learning and it inspired his how one person can change the course of mind of an individual and shape it into a better future so he took career counseling as a profession. After his graduation from a business school, he took the GMAT examination and scored well in it as well as his communication skills were above the ordinary from the beginning. In short he said that being a people's person is the most relevant criteria for his job. His family consists of 2 children, aged 5 and 7, and his husband who works in an IT firm as a senior manager. His best support came from the timings that his job offered his that made it very comfortable for his to give sufficient time to his family and manage his day-to-day affairs aligned with work. In his words, his job did not require any emergency situations or odd-hour calls, so that must have been a blessing in today's business world.

When asked about the amount of responsibilities that he has in the work, he made a stern face and very seriously pointed out that his job should not be judged on the face value of it but as a future determining factor for many individuals who enter that office. Being a HR Manager, it makes it his personal responsibility to not only advise but also to discourage people from something that they are not cut out for and that, he said, is the hardest part of it all; to tell someone that even if they like what they are doing or want to do, it may not be the best option for the skills and tendencies that they possess.

The backbone of his job relies on keen and thorough knowledge of every subject that he is supposed to guide his students on. Not only that, but also the ability to derive the potential of individuals and channel them into a field that they will also ...
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