Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


There are so many factors as to why the business reaches its objectives--there is the capital, the management, the manpower, and many others. However, in any company, the most considered assets are its employees. These companies rely on their workers to achieve their goals. Thus, the employees need to be kept happy, well trained, enthusiastic, efficient, and out of trouble. As business expands and grows, the labor relationship grows more complex and demanding--this is where the human resource (HR) manager and officers come in. The human resource departments in certain companies are responsible for stimulating and communicating with their employees.

The tasks that the HR department covers are so complex and so vital in a company. The indicated tasks are not the only tasks that the HR departments are into. There is even a need for their responsibilities to be intertwined with the other aspects of the company; it should be intertwined with the strategies being implemented in the business. Human resource activities in a company must directly support business strategy as well as the satisfaction of customers and employees needs. The tasks of human resource are getting complicated each day; the jobs in the human department should never be underestimated. The tasks of the HR include leading and implementing different changes in the company.

At present, the human resource department has been considered crucial in every organization. There is a great need to have a full grasp of the human resource aspect in every organization. Most of its responsibilities have been clearly undefined; most of the establishments and the HR department itself have a vague idea of their roles. In This essay I tried to answers to most of the queries regarding the HR and its roles.


In this essay I tried to provide answers to the following issues: is it possible for the human resource department to be connected and compared with the accounting, marketing, engineering and the other department; will the HR department be taken seriously in the board of directors or the senior councils of the company?; what is the present status of the human resource department in different organizations?; and the possibility of measuring the human resource management activities and the evaluation systems.

Responsibilities and Roles of the Human Resource in the Company

"Human Resource Management" can be defined as an approach to the management of people, based on three basic principles. First, it is the effective management of the most important assets of an organization, i.e. Human Resources; this effective management is the key to its success. This success is dependent on the close linking of the personnel policies and procedures of the enterprise, and if they make a contribution to the achievements of corporate goals and objectives. Second, the corporate culture, organizational climate and the managerial behavior that are emitted from that culture will exert a major influence on the achievement of excellence. Finally, HRM is concerned with integration: getting all the members of the organization together and working with a sense ...
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