Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management


Training is an activity which may be considered relevant only at the workforce level of employee. The quality of the training provide to the staff in an organization determines the image of the organization and its individuals in the industry. In the open labor market, the potential employers judge the record which an employee has been keeping up regarding his training, development and the performance in his organization. For such a prospective employee, the development and career progression are the basic factors which provide him incentives in the industry.

Human Resource Management


The term 'Training' refers to the planned efforts which are made by the organization and its management to teach and assist its employees and workers in order to develop in them the skills, job-related knowledge, abilities and such behaviors, the application of which, helps them in their jobs at hand. The aim of the entire training process is to assist employees in achieving their job related goals. Thus, the purpose of training caters to the needs of employees' current jobs (Robinson & Robinson, Pp. 47). Training value and significance has long been recognized by organizations. It says that is you teach a person one time, that teaching will remain with him lifetime. In today's rapidly advancing and changing business world it has become more and more important to train employees regarding new technologies and business climate (McClelland, 2002, p23). In simple words training refers to an activity that can change behavior of people (McClelland, 2002, p34). The most significant reason that is attached with training is 'enhanced productivity”. However, this is just the one aspect, training is also essential to inspire and motivate employees through enhancing their knowledge about their job importance and giving them all the knowledge they require to perform their jobs. Research clearly states some of the major benefits of training including enhanced job satisfaction and morale, enhanced motivation, enhanced capacity to adopt new methods and technologies, employee turnover reduction, enhanced efficiencies in processes, leading to financial gains, and enhanced innovation in products and strategies (McClelland, 2002, p24). These are just few of the many advantages associated with training, which are appropriate to the requirement of an organization and can add great value. Thus, it is really clear that training holds immense importance for organizations.

Main Body/Literary Review:

Today's business environment is faced with many changes and the organizations need to be resilient in order to cope up with the upcoming changes, and keep it aligned with the advancements. The increasing innovation, technology and modernization has made it essential for organizations to design training and development programs and keep their employees up dated on a continuous basis. In the current business climate, the industries are faced with acute shortage of staff and required skills, and the stiff external and internal competition for the quality employees is faced by the companies. All those employers who work with the serious intention of investing in the field of training and development will ultimately harvest the ...
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