Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


The human resource management (HRM) is a set of practices of management aimed at mobilizing and developing human resources for greater performance of the organization. This activity should aim to improve cross-communication, while upholding the organization of the company. Human resource management is an organizational function, focused on mobilizing and developing human resources for performance and accomplishment of organizational objectives (Spicer 2006, p. 214). It helps an organization to anticipate and assemble changing needs related to the acquisition, deployment, and utilization of human resource. The management of human resources is finally co-head of production and quality management. The process of human resource management encompasses all active members of the company that include general management and control tasks, employees with the negotiation of contract and staff representatives.

Today, most progressive companies recognize that human resource management plays a key role in developing a viable, competitive strategy. It got recognized the need to integrate human resource plans with their quality processes, when the executive staff instructed the human resources staff to design a personal strategy to support the business plan and quality (Moag 2007, p. 98).


The human resource management has several functions and activities, and that is the reason why HRM is the need of today's working organization. An entrepreneur who does not know exactly the functions and activities including the management of human resources is like a ship without navigation tools. Small businesses do not need complicated human resource management, but necessarily must know its main functions and activities so that they can use to manage their staff (Luthans 2004, p. 98). The human resources management in enterprises and organizations structured around the following functions:

The human resource planning

The analysis of jobs

The coverage of human resource needs of the organization

The growth and development potential of the individual

Performance evaluation of employees

The remuneration of employees

The management of health and safety at work

Human Resource Planning

It seeks to determine the needs, both quantitative and qualitative staff, based on the objectives and the strategy that has established the company or organization for a certain time horizon, and see if the available human resources to meet those needs (Gray 2001, p. 707).

This function considered essential for the management of human resources, and that the information provided serves as a starting point for the implementation of other activities, such as the following:

Establish how many employees and that classes will be needed.

Defined as employees will be achieved through external recruitment, internal transfer or promotion.

Specify training needs to be the organization.

The strategic planning precedes human resource planning, and is the process by which top management determines overall aims and objectives and how to be achieved. Human resource planning is vital because the main challenges to implementing strategies related to human resource issues, and more precisely with the stabilization of the labor force to facilitate the implementation of corporate strategies (Munz 2001, p. 49). Human resource planning means coupling the internal and external supply of people with the anticipated vacancies in the organization over a given ...
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