Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Strategic Human Resource Management: The Den' Arts Centre

Strategic Human Resource Management: The Den' Arts Centre


Human Resource is one of the most important elements of an organization. All the processes, systems, methodologies and operations take place because of the employees. It is the employees that 'make it happen'. It has been observed that organizations with satisfied employees have higher productivity and output as compared to organizations with unsatisfied employees. It is crucial for organizations to maintain good relations with its employees because they are the backbone of the organization. If the employees are not properly motivated and do not work efficiently then the organization cannot work properly (Marquez, 2007, 76). A business transaction encompasses any activity which involves the exchange of cash or any other mode of payment in return for certain services offered or the sale of a product. Initially, business transactions were limited to small shops and small business setups run by a single owner but with time, the concept of organizations came forth. Companies were formed with hundreds and even thousands of employees working for that company. This created a need for companies to have a department dedicated to hiring and facilitation of employees. Organizations grew so large that they needed manpower to manage the manpower. Hence, the concept of human resource management grew stronger. Today, every organization has a human resource department and personnel dedicated to the management of the workforce.

Human Resource Management

Human resource management encompasses all the functions related to an employee working within an organization. For instance: recruitment, hiring, job description formulation, salary and compensation, facilitation and layoffs. It is the management of the workforce of an organization. Efficiently managing the workforce of an organization is called Human Resource Management (Heathfield, 2012).

Details of the Case Study

From the case study that was studied, there were a few problems that were discovered with the HR strategies of the Centre. First is the rate that was paid to the workers and the credit crunch that had shook their motivation, other was the contractual agreements of the workforce, then came the poor working conditions and last but not the least, the staff felt undervalued.

Solution 1: Increase motivation through empowerment

Empowerment is supposed to increase employee motivation, efficiency and productivity.


The three main advantages of empowerment are:

Information sharing within the organization

Creation of autonomy with boundaries

Replacement of old concepts of hierarchy with self-managed teams

It is important for managers to exercise the 'right kind of authority' for the workforce to comply and cooperate with the management. Empowerment is simply the efficient and effective use of a manager's authority and an effective strategy to maximize the productivity of the workforce.

Share information with everyone

The main key to empowerment of a workforce is by sharing information with them and making them feel like they are connected to the organization. Sharing information gives employees a clearer view of the organizations goals and strategies. It increases the trust between the organization and the management.

Create autonomy through boundaries

By creating autonomy through boundaries, an organization can optimize the performance of ...
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