Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


Business is the name of risk from the starting days of the business multiple challenges starts and these challenges will continues till the business performs its operation. It is not wrong to say that before starting any business the issues and challenges ignite in different ways and for running a business in best possible ways. We need to analyse the happenings, which includes internal and external environments challenges and to meet these challenges we made different strategies and plans. For the achievement of the goals of the organization these strategies would be find very important and plays vital role for the organization. These challenges and objectives may vary from organization to organization, depending on the organization works. As bigger the firm, have to face more issue, for these issues Human Resource Management is one of the significant department which starts hiring the employees who will be participating their work in to organization as per the requirement. Human resource management maintain multiple policies and plans couple of strategies by keep focusing on the objectives of the firms. As these all operations can be used with in the nation and also needs for the international market. Since, the issues will also be increased when the organization enters into the global market, here more particular jobs and strategies can be taken place with the broaden concept of firm.

Before entering into any market the human resource management designs the strategies, these strategies are considered the part of the human resource management department. And this is the concept which serves as the bridge between the strategic objectives, goals and human resource management. It would become the link which helps to attain the business performance with enhancing the culture of the organization (Ahmad & Kazmi, 2001).

Organizations, that are practicing, strategic human resource management, they incorporate human resource function as strategic association in the formulation and execution of the company's strategies through human resource activities. Therefore, it aligns the human resource function to the core business objectives in order to have an integrated advancement towards strategic goals. Just to set the goals for the organization is not enough but after making the strategies it is necessary to implement the strategies in the most efficient and effective manner which assures that the strategic plans are execute and let the things happen according to the organization's goal. These strategies would be different and according to the need of the organization for instance the strategies which have been designed for the national level can be different from the international or globally. Best fit and best practice are approaches that are part of strategic human resource management. The best fit concept of strategic human resource management emphasizes on the point that human resource practices must be in contrast with the other aspects of the organization as well as the external environment. However, best-fit model may fail to succeed in some cases as it may overlook an employee's interest, but most of time organizations prefer to work with ...
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