Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring relevant facts and figure related to the issue of separation/termination. For this we would be discussing some plans and the policies that the organization can adopt or implement in the course of termination or separation of employee. The firing is the action by which an employer gives unilaterally terminate labor contract with employees (Appelbaum, Everard & Hung, 1999, 535-52). Also, a dismissal can understand the release of an officer or employee of the state or other positions, or providing service member the right to leave the designated position or a decrease from the place of service in the set for a short time (McKenzie & Traynor, 2002, 31-53). There may come a day on which the employer may feel to discontinue an employee activity, as he may feel that the person is not justifying his domain or whatever reason (De Meuse & Marks, 2003, 54-61). This can happen at any given time. In this paper, firstly we would develop separation/termination policies and plan, then we would examine some important aspects of managing those policies and lastly, we will discuss exit interview procedures.


Due to the global recession, the companies are forced to go towards more efficient ways, and this led them to shrink the number of employees in the organization and create more efficient workforce. This may include firing employees to manage the business costs. With the increasing trend of cutting down workforce, companies are required to follow certain rules and regulation and make such policies that are equitable and fair to the employees and the employers (Klass & DeNisi, 1999, 705-718).

These laws ensure that nothing injustice is being done from both the parties. Redundancy may occur due to multiple reasons; they are not limited to the misconduct of the employee. Redundancy may occur because the company is operating in a small budget they no longer have the required funds to operate such large number of workforce (Radin & Werhane, 2003, 266-274).

The policies that will be a part of the proposed plan for us will include that the employee who are leaving will receive a varied amount of severance pay, which depends upon the time the employee has served in the company, and the employee will also receive weekly or monthly wages as discussed prior to the dismissal (McKenzie & Traynor, 2002, 31-53).

Termination of employment and leave

The rule is that the employer cannot terminate a contract of employment to employees staying on holiday leave, sick leave or child care. The principle would state that which states that an employer cannot terminate a contract of employment during the leave of a worker, and during another excused absence from work, if not yet expired period of entitlement to dismissal without notice. This provision applies only to employers, and therefore the employees are entitled, while on holiday or during any other excused absence, terminate the contract of employment (Maitland, ...
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