Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Requirement 1

Organisations often encounter the dilemma where they need the workforce; however, the availability of workforce is minimal due to lack of supply. Hence, in order to avoid this situation an organisation must be equipped with useful information through which it can analyse market supply of workforce on the basis of which demand patterns must be designed. Effective staffing process requires strategic planning and implementation in several phases. The first phase accompanies the assessment of workforce and strategic objectives. There are several questions that must be answered by the steps incorporated in the process.

How to show a change in the relevant labour market;

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the staffing procedure adapted by organisation;

Are there enough opportunities to justify the recruitment of additional staff in organisation;

Analysis of demand and supply trends of workforce in markets.

The second stage of the process accompanies the analysis of threats that can be encountered by an organisation while recruiting additional staff. The third stage is the process of formation and synthesis of the accumulated information in order to design the decisions and actions regarding staffing and recruitment. The fourth stage is the human resource planning. Strategic workforce planning involves six interrelated areas (Ewert, 1996, 88-94).

Demand forecasting

Offers forecasts

Forecasting needs

Analysis of the performance and costs


Budgeting and control

Requirement 1.1, 1.2

Develop a clear and concrete vision

Assess workforce demand pattern and justify the implementation of change

Develop strong coalition with current and potential workforce

Maintain effective communicate in order to operationalize the objectives

Ensure the effectiveness of current stakeholders and potential workforce

Encourage open communication environment

Encourage risk taking and brainstorming

Strive for maintaining and sustaining change in the organisation

Be prepared for the concerns encountered during the process of change

Acknowledge timely achievement of objectives and celebrate success

Requirement 1.3

There are different processes that are engulfed by the implication of strategic plan aimed at staffing potential workforce of an organisation. The initial process of the plan is accompanied by strategic planning offering diverse strategies aimed at effective management of potential human resource of an organisation. There are certain approaches and strategies that are adapted in this phase of planning which ensure the extraction of optimal outcomes from the resource.

Planning for potential workforce

Expectancy of change in organisational objectives and operations

Expectancy of the tasks to be accomplished

Expected amendments in organisational structure and hierarchy

Workforce demand and supply trend analysis

Analysis of organisational strengths

Analysis of skill of potential workforce

Growth or downsizing of effective and ineligible workforce

Budget allocation

Allocation of recruitment funds

Incorporation of budget aimed at employee compensation

Budget allocation for employee training

Budget allocation for employee retention and career development programs

Incorporation of staffing costs

Analysis of internal and external factors affecting staffing process

Regulatory amendments

Technological influence and obsolescence

Societal implications to the process

Analysis of labour supply with expected demand of the organisation

Analysis on the basis of skills classification

Analysis on the basis of locality

Analysis on the basis of organisational structure

Analysis of current workforce

Productivity analysis of current workforce

Analysis of employee turnover, retirement rate and expected retirement

Analysis of organisational hierarchies

Analysis of vacancies to be issued by an organisation

Incorporation of equal employee opportunity

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