Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management Assignment

Table of contents

Task 11

Benefits of a Diverse Workforce1

Factors Affecting Selecting and Recruiting Process1

Factors Affecting Employee Resource Planning (ERP) and Talent Planning2

Task 22

Call Centre Staff Recruitment Methods2

Call Centre Staff Selection Methods3

Job Description for an Outbound Call Centre3

Primary responsibilities3

Person Specification for a Call Centre Job3

Criteria to Shortlist a Person4

Job Advertisement5


Human Resource Management Assignment

Task 1

Benefits of a Diverse Workforce

Diversity in workforce implies an organisation hiring most appropriate individuals to strengthen their talent base; irrespective of their gender, cast, creed, religion, or physical disability (Cornelius, 2002, p.29). Strategists have associated quite high degree of significance to managing diverse workforce effectively because it brings in various benefits to a company; some of which are briefly highlighted as follows;

Better customer relationship management: A diverse workforce enables an organisation to understand needs of a diverse customer base, as well as design a response strategy to fulfil their needs and meet their expectations.

Lower employee turnover, lower cost, and higher morale/job satisfaction: Managing diverse workforce enables an organisation to adopt a non-discriminatory practice, which helps reflect an organisation's approach for valuing “talent” only. This organisation-wide practice not only increases employee-loyalty, but also increases their productivity; consequently, low turnover and high job satisfaction occurs. It is vital to mention here that low turnover also proves cost-effective because hiring and training of a fresh employee incurs cost for a company.

Much higher productivity and innovation: Workplaces which have people from diverse backgrounds, experience much higher level of creativity because individuals from different cultures and approach widen the thought horizon and bring in varied perspectives. Pooling such diverse ideas and opinions help design an innovative approach that can turn into a company's competitive advantage. Moreover, an organisation's culture where employees feel safe from harassment also helps boost their confidence and in turn their productivity.

Strong corporate image: Employing and managing diverse workforce projects an image of a non-discriminatory employer; valuing talent only. This help makes a company become a more desirable employer which can easily attract talented individuals.

Factors Affecting Selecting and Recruiting Process

Edward and Ward Ltd is a contract catering-service company, which provides dinners to schools and catering services to business and industries. Catering services personnel selection and recruitment can be affected by various external and internal factors; some of which are described here

Availability of the individuals with desired skills and knowledge in the labour market; this varies with fluctuations in economic conditions.

Edward and Ward is a small-sized company; however, intends to expand in future. Therefore, the number of individuals selected and recruited also depends upon the size of the company and its growth/expansion plans.

The demand for dinner service at schools decline in summers; hence the seasonality of service demand also affects their hiring process

The HR policies, which help design the salary package and fringe benefits, also affect the recruiting process, because if employees are underpaid, higher turnover would be observed which in turn would necessitate hiring new individuals.

Reach of job advertisement in the local market, the company's image, and the desire of ...
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