Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

Assignment 2

Section 1

Link between Motivational Theory and Reward

First of all it is important to mention the names of two UK transport companies known as Nolan Transport and Fergusons Transport which is the major requirement of the transport scenario. All the discussion will take place by keeping in view the HRM approach followed by UK transport companies. There is a general assumption that employees joins the organization with the help pf proper recruitment strategies. The HRM policies are created by the organization in order to make it easier for them in the recruitment and selection of employees. It is not just the recruitment and selection but it is also the remuneration package along with other benefits that carries a lot of value for the organisation. The managers are given proper training these days in order to handle the employee related affairs in the best possible way. The managers need to show some sort of responsibility for committing serios efforts in giving rewards to the employees. The best relationship that is there is between motivational theor and reward. The reason is that when the employees are motivated to do their work in the best possible way, there are given a raise of hope to be given appropriate rewards in return. There are many motivational theories which were developed by Herzberg, Abraham Maslow and many other scholars that emphasised the value of motivation among the employees (Adler, 2002, 40).

There are several individuals that tries to motivate themselves in order to gain satisfaction for their personal goals. This is the reason why they invest and make an effort towards the achievement of organizational goals and objectives to meet their personal targets as well. It s very clear that the organizational goals has a strong relationship with the personal goals of the individuals. It has been reported in various situations that the job of the manager is make sure that the work must be completed and the employees are given a strict guideline regading this aspect. Sometimes, there is a situation when the employees are self motivated towards the work and they try to make a serious effort in the attaintment of their goals and objectives. It is often stated that the role of managers is not very high in improving the employees's motivation. It is a task that they are supposed to do by themselves and there are not many people who can do much in this regard. The major issue in every organization is the motivation of employees whether they are skilled or unskilled. The creation of rewards also takes into account of these factors that is crucial in keeping the motivation of employees very high. When there are attractive rewards for the employees in doing the maximum work, they put up a strong effort in to achieve these awards. The lack of these rewards can potentially affect the motivation of employees. This is the reason why the organization try to make the best ...
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