Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


The main purpose of this paper is to describe the ideal cultural type which has been created by the management in the graduate labour market with the use of Thrift's notion of 'fast subject' and his analytical approach. The concept of 'Fast Subject' is the concept describing the struggle of management for their head around. The idea presented by Thrift regarding the modern Western world is comparatively a very different idea. It describes that in order to know the world's happenings it is necessary to get the knowledge about the management.


The Thrift's notion of 'fast subject' can be better used in order to identify the ideal cultural type created by the management in the graduate labour market. Thrift's notion explains that it is necessary to get the knowledge of management for the purpose of understanding the world. This can be explained by the example which has been given by Thrift that “the use of assessment centre can be done as the “Britain's Got Talent' for the world of work. The concept of 'fast subject' can be better used for the purpose of identifying the ideal management for the graduate labour as fast subject is the capabilities of manager for effective functioning (Aggers, 1989, p. 12). Thus, the combination of the innovations, creativity and knowledge can be helpful for the management to identify the ideal cultural type for the graduate labour.

Thus, from the perspective of 'fast subject' the modern western culture can be considered as the ideal culture for the management to use for graduate labour. The managers can use the 'fast subject' for the purpose of implementing the ideal culture for the graduate careers and jobs. These are basically the job ads which are used for the purpose of attracting the graduate labour by the management. Thus, these job adverts are considered to be the best tool for identifying the management's idea of success.

The first example in this regard has been retrieved from the Times guide Lidl's Graduate Management programme advertisement. The different language and buzz words were included in this advertisement regarding the culture of 21st century and 'fast subject'. The examples of these words are “world-class”, “lead and inspire” and “star qualities”. Thus, as per the above mentioned example, Thrift has argued that the main aim of the management events is to make impossible things a possible one. This leads to the generation of ideas that these measures can be used as the personality traits for assuring the increased success (Webb, 2006, p. 34). This is considered to be an attractive approach to the concept of 'fast subject' which is not used by the other people in the world. It is also argued that it is only possessed by the elite ideals.

There is a clear point of view in the regard that for the recruitment of a graduate, there is a need of significant amount as it is necessary for the management to get the highly talented people in ...
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