Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

Executive Summary Job satisfaction is one of the most core areas of business stratagem. Stress management and work-life balance are the two most key components of it. I was asked to review the degree to which employees are facing stress in the organization and therefore I conducted profound analyses on the sources of stress and how these are managed by the workers. The report that I am presenting documents the stress management strategies that I have derived based on my analyses of the scenarios and my experience in this field. Work-life balance is another very important component that influences job related satisfaction of employees, my focus is to explore the discrepancies that workers are encountering in the stability of work-life balance and to amalgamate the best possible policy based solutions on it.

Hereby, the report makes some important recommendations that outlines following aspects in regards with stress management: stress policies, stress management training, stress risk evaluation and stress management support frameworks. In area of work-life balance the report assess and recommend in following areas that include: improving organization culture, improving benefits facilities, financial aid, leave structure, flexibility in schedules.

Statement of Objectives

Some of the main objectives that this report highlights to increase job-related satisfaction by counteracting with both work-life balance and Stress Management are as follows:

Valuing the Quality human resource, by hunting for people with quality and skills and making best possible strategies to make them part of the organization.

Carrying out stress risk assessment within the framework of organization

Deriving a system whereby the team or individual concerns are reported, evaluated and sorted out in timely manner.

Providing employees with support system (financial aid, educational aid, health benefits) in order to ensure minimum stress and maximum work-life balance

Effective management style by the employers that leads to the development and promotion of open environment.

handle our resources in ways that defend and protect the atmosphere to promotes safety of public and the workers

Dynamically aid, promote and encourage the growth of workforce through regular evaluation of training needs, productivity and scheduling of crucial training to congregate the future requirements of company.

Advocating following attitudes in employees:

Valuing the Quality human resource, by hunting for people with quality and skills and making best possible strategies to make them part of the organization (Russo, 2010).

Be responsive to change and act with urgency.

Making Self Improving Process by being process oriented.

Be perseverant and determined. Set long term goals and enjoy what you are about to achieve then what you have achieved.

Do not believe that anyone is better then you.

The statement objective, however, does not target the managers themselves who might face the stress. Rather than it focuses the employees serving out of the managerial level.

Main Discussion

The practice of instituting, initiating and developing a business is not a simple adventure, but a real and demanding challenge. To facilitate the entrepreneurs for facing this challenge in a way that ensures promising results, it is vital to establish a competitive, constructive, favorable and practical business ...
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