Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


The term labor union is refer to an arrangement of labor to work together in an organization for achieving their common goals and objectives like increase in pay, benefits and job securities. These unions made by the labor are successful in gaining their desired objectives with the help of their leadership that negotiates and bargains with the management. These negotiations can be on the grounds of improve working conditions, food / meals, better salaries, policies and benefits and many other things. They contract is signing annually between the union and the workers binding them with terms and conditions signed in the contract.

These trade unions were originate in Europe at the time of the industrial revolution when most people lost their jobs and their ability to bargain for a new position. Trade unions foster the rights of the labors and help them gain the desired objectives. About the past three hundred years, these unions have taken many forms and styles. Trade unions can also call for strikes or boycott / lockouts in case of inaction by the management and if their demands are not meeting.


Unionized and un-unionized environment

The functioning of an organization is effecting greatly by the unionized work environments; this is because of the facts that management loses its ability to control the labor as per their own wishes. The labor unions take most of control from the hands of management on the basis of threats issued to management that the factories and manufacturing concerns can be lockout or the strikes might be called, and the productivity of the organization will have an impact. This is did to force management into accepting their demands if not completely than partially at least.

Unions have been seeing to have create massive issues for the management all over the world. If the union; in the organization is strengthened; than the management can expect any "just or un-just" demand. The lockouts, strikes cause millions of losses to the management and in order to keep things running and have steady profit earnings; the management has to pay attention to the demands of the union. (Gall, 2003)

However, if these same unions are not present, the management will have difficulty in controlling the labor and keep them focus on one single point or object. These labor unions are a big help to keep the labor in check and productive. If you know how to negotiate and control the labor union, you would not have any difficulty controlling the labor and get the work done. The labor unions in the charm of getting their wishes fulfilled keep the employees motivated and productive. Hence, there is both a good side and a bad side to having a labor union in the organization.

Norms of the campaign

When anything is starting in a professional environment, there are certain rules and regulations that are required to be followed. These include the complexities related to the formation and functioning of the trade union. It is imperative for the management to understand that ...
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