Human Resource Management

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HR Practice and Policy shaped by Organisational Structure

HR Practice and Policy shaped by Organisational Structure


Organization regardless of its magnitude and genre can be termed as a system entailing processes. There are several key factors that are involved in a system which aids an organization to run in an effective and efficient manner. The factors that contribute in forming a system are:

The structure must ensure that the goals and objectives of the organization are said to be reflected from the activities that the organization is undertaking.

The structure should also reflect the available authority that will manage the company. It is the authority that is selected for the management that leads the organization towards the accomplishment of goals and objectives at a micro level and mission and vision at a macro level. The authority is said to exercise discretion which is always subject to change.

The structure of the business or the organization should be a reflection of the environment. For instance, the premise of any plan has its constituents involving political, sociological, economical, technological, legal, ethical aspects that tend to complement the plan similarly the organizational structure should be developed in a way that should operate and at the same time efficiently allow the contributions that have been made by each member of the organization and at the same time it should also aid or facilitate them into achieving their goals (Wright & McMahan, 1992, pp. 295-300).

It is the Human Resources policies that tend to provide a framework and guidelines as well as criteria for managing, governing relations between the company and its employees.

Basically, it is the human resource policies that tend to guide and direct the human resource practices which in turn contribute towards the development of the organizational structure as well as the organizational culture (Wright & McMahan, 1992, pp. 302).

Human Resource Practices & Policies

Human resource policies vary by company. Each organization develops human resources policies that best fits their philosophy and their needs and eventually resulting in a defined organizational structure. Human Resources Policies refer to the ways via which dealing with employees becomes easy.

Proper HR policy should cover everything related to the following:

Incorporation of people: It entails recruitment and selection process and they take place internally and externally. Prior to the selection process, the company and specifically the HR department works in collaboration with other departments to draw up a map / profile of the competencies of the position or vacancy to be filled. This mode is far more likely to define the election of the person possessing the required skills necessary for the position. It is also a function of Human Resource to socialize and integrate new employees into the structure and procedures of the company.

Performance monitoring in the workplace: Again with other company departments (the direction of the department where the new professional has joined), human resources conducts follow-up meetings during which feedback and guidance is given to the recent addition in order to facilitate and accelerate their professional ...
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