Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


Labor cost is one of the most significant costs to companies and businesses (Heathfield, 2012). Effective work force and good management of the work force ensures success for any organization or business. It is the people who make businesses, conducts it, and manages it. It is very difficult to find quality human resource in today's world. Hiring the right person for the job is necessary for the organization or business in order to ensure success for the business (Haid & Stroud, 2009, pp.1-5).

Recruitment and Selection

It is a difficult task to hire quality human resource. Specially, in today's time, when there are only few job openings in the market and the supply of human capital is excess. Since, the demand for human resource is less, and the supply is more than necessary, it is a difficult task to screen every job application and select the best candidate for the job (Nguyen & Purnamasari, 2011) this is not an easy task, and higher management cannot be engaged full time in finding and hiring the right person. This is the very first step in managing the human resource of any organization. Hiring the person is the first step of the human resource management ladder.

Training and Development

Apart from hiring the right person, there are many other issues involved in managing the human resource and training the employees of organizations and businesses. Work force needs to be motivated, trained, and kept happy in order to maintain their productivity levels. Employee development is also one of the main factors to consider.

Appraisal and Personal Development

One way human resource is most motivated is through appreciation of work and personal development. This appreciation can also take the form of monetary benefit to the human resource. By personal development employees feel pride. The get to learn something which is invaluable to them.Designing a compensation plan and performance appraisal is complicated and a time consuming task to perform. Unless and until an employee can work with satisfaction and a sense of security he or she would not be able to work or perform their work up to the mark. One another issue faced by the organizations and businesses is the conflict of human resource among themselves, with their boss or with the organization as a whole (Becker, 1996, pp.779-801).

These conflicts, unless and until resolved by the organization, can lead the organization or business to a downward path. Work place conflicts can arise due to any reason; it could be due to personal reasons, work reasons, or any other. In order to resolve these conflicts, it is important to get in to the root of the problem and offer a win situation alternative. However, a win situation is an ideal situation, which cannot always be achieved. One side or sometimes both the sides suffer. To get in to the root of the problem and propose an alternative needs special management skills. It would also require the management to put extra time and ...
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