Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


The primary function of human resource management is to increase the effectiveness and contribution of employees in the attainment of organizational goals and objectives. The human resource planning is a process for determining the need for current and future HR organization to achieve its objectives. HR planning should be used to make the link between human resource management and overall strategic plan of the organization. The management and human resource development is a cornerstone of the majority of organizations which aims to strengthen organizational capacity, and enable companies to attract and qualify the necessary skills and able to keep up with current and future challenges. Human resources can contribute strongly to the goals and profit of the organization. The management of human resources means short of an optimal use of available human and expected. On the efficiency and capabilities, and experience of the human element and enthusiasm to work depends the efficiency of the organization and its success in reaching their goals. So scientists interested in development of management principles and foundations that help make the most of every individual in the organization through the management of human resources. This basis starting from the planning and selection, training and incentives, and evaluation and all things related to the human element (Keating, 2004).

EEO and Affirmative Action

The concept that all people should have equal opportunities to access the market to work, and should not be discriminated against on grounds of sex, race, age or religious beliefs. Many countries have enacted laws that punish the denying a job to a person for any of the foregoing reasons. Some organizations go even further and advocate a policy of positive discrimination such as that deduced to promote employment of ethnic minorities. Although significant improvements in terms of equal opportunities, the facts show that there is a long way to go. In recent years there have been increased efforts to reduce workplace discrimination because of age, certain physical disabilities or sexual orientation itself.

The term affirmative action refers to those positive actions to reduce or ideally eliminate discriminatory practices against historically excluded sectors such as women or ethnic groups, sexual preference or race. It then aims to increase the representation of these, through a preferential treatment for themselves and selection mechanisms designed expressly and positively to these purposes. Thus, there is a bias selection based precisely that motivate the characters, or rather that traditionally have led to the discrimination. That is, using instruments of reverse discrimination which is intended to operate as a compensation mechanism for these groups. Examples are scholarships with quotas for certain social groups, laws that favour the woman in cases of gender violence, admission policies of schools and colleges to promote diversity, subsidies or tax breaks to disadvantaged sectors, among other measures (Lado, 2008).

Human resources planning, recruitment, and selection

Recruitment is the set of techniques and procedures aimed at attracting qualified candidates potentially able to occupy positions within the ...
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