Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


Mission Statement no. 1

“To enhance the cognitive and intellectual skills of the employees at Billabong; so that they are able to provide creative and innovative solutions. The employee development process will be carefully planned by the HR department, so at to encourage their cognitive capabilities.”


The Hr department will form a strong professional relationship with the employees, and establish their development goals. The managers of the departments will play an essential role in the process, as they will provide the HR department with the essential knowledge regarding the job related skills. Through a process of using various tools such as comprehensive trainings and seminars, the employees will be encouraged to think out of the box, and provide creative solutions (Asmus, 2011). The HR department will also restructure the incentive and remuneration policies, so as to reward the employees for their creative input. For sports apparel manufacturing company such as Billabong, the factor of innovation can help it achieve a competitive advantage, and in the competitive global market this will help the company achieve sustainable growth. Currently the company faces competition from several other brands such as Hurly, Quick Silver and Rip Curl, hence it needs to differentiate itself from the competition.

Mission Statement no. 2

“To establish team based activity in the organization, by encouraging employees from different departments to work in cross functional teams. The employees will be given certain project based activities, where they will have to work with other employees to achieve collective goals. The employees will be given the essential communication and conflict resolution trainings, so that they are better equipped to work in a team based environment.”


Communication is the biggest asset of a team, as it enables the team members to effectively share their ideas, and reach on mutual agreements. This team based activity will allow the company to become more responsive to the environment and adequately fulfill the volatile customer demands. The policies regarding the bonuses and financial incentives will reflect this strategy of the HR department. The incentives of the employees will be based on the ability of the team to attain collective objectives; hence the employees will be motivated to work with other employees. This approach will help Billabong to become leaner and increase its sensitivity to the market, which is aligned with the business strategy of the company to become more responsive to the customer demands. The customer in the contemporary business environment is highly empowered, and has an access to several competitive brands to choose a certain product. In this situation the customers are no longer loyal to a particular brand, and they may choose any brand that they desire. Hence the ability of the organization to first identify and then react to the customer demand, will help it attain a healthy market share.

Mission Statement no. 3

“Establish an organizational culture of role diversity among the employees, so that they possess a comprehensive knowledge regarding the various functions of the ...
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