Human Resource Handbook

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Human Resource Handbook

Human Resource Handbook


In this draft, a handbook of original and creative design that outlines policies for teacher recruitment, selection, induction, professional development and retention as they are mandated within Florida Statutes and No Child Left Behind. This handbook will include, procedures for addressing internal resources, inventory charts, informal search, talent search, job postings, external sources, educational institutions, employment agencies, executive search firms, temporary help agencies, and advertising.


The success of any human subject research project is usually only as good as the researcher's ability to recruit the proper participants. However, effective recruitment is often a factor. Recruitment is the act of enlisting people for a certain cause, in this case, participation in a research experiment (John, 1998). This entry discusses different methods of recruitment and strategies to improve recruitment methods. As reported by the Board, shortages are most critical to the recruitment of teachers in pre-primary and primary teachers of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and music. Among the teachers of foreign languages, the most wanted are those of Japanese, Spanish and Creole. And finally, also mentions the serious shortage of special education teachers, those who prepared to work with children with autism or some physical or psychological. The shortage of teachers, after nursing, is the most headaches has brought the government of Florida for all the problems this brings. But both government agencies and personnel departments of the various houses of study have taken some steps to provide a solution to this crisis.

Objectives and Scope of Recruitment

The procedure establishes guidelines and requirements to ensure that the activity of “Recruitment, Selection and Induction” enable adds, transfer and / or promoting the right people.

Recruitment Methods

Considerations and planning for recruitment should occur during the early stages of project development. A methodology section often needs to be tailored to accommodate the needs of recruitment and retention (keeping individuals in the study). The ability to attract and maintain participants is crucial to most studies, and some methodologies can lead to problems with participation and recruitment. Methodological problems may include length of time of the study, number of surveys, location, and language and literacy barriers. In addition, partnerships formed with community agencies, which will increase recruitment, may have restrictions that require alterations to the methods. For this reason in particular, designing recruitment strategies needs to occur at the beginning of the study design to allow for any necessary adjustments. There are several ways to recruit participants for research studies (Jacobs, 1995).

One common method used in universities is department subject pools. In several undergraduate classes, students often mandated to participate in research studies for course credit, and students provided a list of research projects available for participation. Online research advertisements are also very popular. There are several options for posting online research. For example, popular social networking sites such as MySpace or Face book often used. Researchers can also contact website owners of relevant topics and ask for permission to advertise. Depending on the site, an advertising fee may be ...
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