Human Resource Developement

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Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development


Training and development are of vital significance to an organization and play an important role in the organization's effectiveness and also in the people's experience at work. Training has said to impact the personal development of the staff, safety and health implications at work and employee productivity. It makes common sense to believe the fact that whenever an organization employs new staff members they have to be trained in the specific ways that work is done in the organization. Many organizations realize this fact and therefore they invest heavily in training and developing their people adequately. These investments can be in many ways like hiring training and development specialists for the purpose or paying salary to those staff members undergoing training. But training demands a lot of attention from the business as well as the members of the organization. It requires that adequate material like obtaining and maintaining equipment and space be provided. Also support of the business heads as well as the departmental or functional heads is mandatory towards these initiatives. This means that the top management should also invest their time equally in training and development initiatives as they do in other productive activities. Thus training and development is regarded as a good management practice to maintain required levels of skill and expertise in the business's human resource (Shephard, n.d, pp.4-6)

Kolb's learning Style used in British Companies

The style of experiential learning

Several models of learning styles are used both for the development of education and for the organization. One of the theories and models of basic learning styles were published in 1984 by education expert and organizational development David Kolb, although developed in the late seventies and early eighties. Kolb's work itself was based on the theories and research conducted by other professionals in education and psychology who lived in the early twentieth century, such as, Carl Rogers, Carl Jung and Jean Piaget. David A. Kolb, Professor of Social Psychology at Harvard University, introduced in the literature the concept of "experiential learning", a process where knowledge is developed through observation and experience transformation. Experiential learning is a reference for all design activity training since the mid-eighties. The first thing to ask is how do people learn? There are various theories about, and among these include that of David Kolb, according to which people learn from the experiences. In this sense, Kolb made ??a model of "experiential learning", also called "the wheel of learning" (Itin, 1999). Kolb's model is a cycle of four stages, starting from a concrete experience (immersion), which is observed and analyzed (reflection) to formulate abstract concepts (conceptualization) which are then verified or actively experienced in new situations (application), to create new concrete experiences and begin again the cycle of learning. Kolb identifies two main dimensions your model - the perception and processing - and asserts that learning is "the result of the way people perceive and then process what they have seen". Kolb also indicates that not everyone learns the ...