Human Resource Data Management

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Human Resource Data Management

Human Resources Data Management


Human resource management is a very important component of an organization because it deals with the recruitment, management and provision of a direction to the people who work in the organization. There are various significant and important functions that are involved in the human resource management along with a number of responsibilities that the human resource personnel need to fulfill. The main focus of this paper is to identify and discuss the important functions and the reasons behind performing those functions through the following discussion.


The following discussion will identify the most important aspects of the human resource management.

Reasons for an Organization to Collect Human Resources Data

The following are the two most significant reasons due to which an organization should collect human resource data.

Maintaining Employee Contact Details

Keeping and maintain employee contact details is very important for an organization for having complete information about their employees to be referred to when required. It is also important for the organization to be able to provide information about any employee in case of any claim being made against the organization. The information of the employees is also very important to be maintained and used in due diligence of an organizational transfer.

Satisfying Legal Requirements

The second significant reason of an organization to collect human resource data is the satisfaction and compliance of the legal requirements. It is very important for an organization to satisfy the legal requirements and the human resource data plays a vital role in fulfilling this aim of the organization. The human resource data enables an organization to be successful in future development and planning, decision making and fulfillment of consultation requirements (SIMS, 2007).

Types of Data Collected in an Organization and their Support to the Human Resource Practices

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