Human Intelligence

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Human Intelligence

Human Intelligence


To define intelligence, there is no universal definition. Experts have presented varying version to define the term. Some believe intelligence includes the capabilities to form intangible thought, comprehension, communication, interpretation, learning, emotional intelligence planning and problem solving. To truly understand human intelligence scientists have conducted numerous studies on human behavior. There have been studies on intelligence over animals as well. The latest and perhaps the most sophisticated understanding of intelligence is artificial intelligence. This form of intelligence is the intellectual abilities of a machine, more commonly in robotics (Fincher, 1976).

The various definitions of intelligence reveal the fact that there is no consensus over one way of defining intelligence. Psychologists have developed and adopted varying approaches to understand intelligence. The most widely recognizable approach is psychometric through which numerous researches and studies were conducted. The psychometric approach is also applied in realistic conditions. One of the most common tests of intelligence is the Intelligence Quotient or IQ test. The intelligence quotient test uses the progressive matrices that were developed by Stanford-Binet and Raven. The test also includes the Adult Intelligence Scale along with the Assessment Battery for children. Some other tests are also in place that measure aspects such as educational skills rather than directly focusing solely on measuring intelligence. The most familiar of these tests are the SAT and GMAT (Hunt, 2011).

The Human Brain and Intelligence

Human brain consists of two halves depending on the structure and the physique of the organ. This means the human brain is divided into two sides, the corpus callosum, the left hand side and the right hand side. Both the halves of the brain are responsible for various functions to perform. This makes individuals of two kinds, right handed and left handed. As an example, a majority of people (95%) that are right handed have their function of speech located on the left side of their brain. This can be done with determining the dominant features in an individual (Hunt, 1972).

Functions of the Brain

The left hand side of the brain is responsible for logical rational, objective, factual, Sequential, analytical symbolic linear digital and abstract thoughts of an individual. The right hand side is responsible for Random, holistic, subject, non-verbal, looks at whole, visual, concrete, casual, emotional and spatial thoughts in the brain.

Types of Intelligence

Naturalist Intelligence

The first form of intelligence is Naturalistic. Naturalistic intelligence is responsible for the ability to differentiate among natural beings such as plants and animals. This is also responsible for understanding of natural features of the world such as rocks and clouds. This ability or intelligence form was more applicable during the evolutionary years of mankind. This intelligence is also useful for hunting and farming. Some other uses of this form of intelligence are during cooking. More commonly, our ability to distinguish and differentiate can be found in our routine lives where we look to stand out by choosing varying cars, makeup and clothes (Sternberg, ...
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