Human Development From A Christian Perspective

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Human Development from a Christian Perspective


At the same time, as a spiritual master, Paul cares that his students understand him. He says that teaching must be adapted to the level of consciousness. This compares to the food - babies get milk, and older children solid food, but not right away is the bread, cheese or meat. For Paul Child - unlike for Jesus - symbolized the lower, physical level of consciousness, just as in modern developmental psychology (Koppelman, & Goodhart, 41-83).

At the same time, Christianity would be meaningless if it does not take into account radical levels in human existence and consciousness, occurring indeed in all the great spiritual traditions. This concept is emerging now in the letters NT, which belong to the earliest Christian writings (second half of the first century AD), and is being developed by the Fathers of the Church in philosophical terminology, taken from Plato and Neoplatonists. The most prominent and most influential philosopher and theologian of the West, fascinated by the Neo-Platonism was St. Augustine, who distinguishes several levels of awareness and proper levels of contemplation (Owusu, 310-334).


Christianity describes the Spirit as the deepest center of man. This is our life, consciousness, self, the essence. Penetration is not only all that is in man, but even God himself. The function of the spirit is to know it's so aware of it in us, who knows. However, widespread in the West, embodying the essence of the process of rational thinking is not an error? So it would seem that his science of the spirit is not about philosophical arguments, words of human wisdom, but on a deeper dimension of consciousness. He added that only those people who are spiritual can properly understand the teachings. People mental cannot, because they are on the lower level of understanding (Loder, 47-78).

Christianity through the centuries of its existence took in man as a whole and also as being multi-faceted and multi-level. Holistic perspective, the concept and experience of the unity of the human person, especially visible in contemporary theology as opposed to the Platonic division or even a metaphysical separation of human body and soul. Karl Rahner, one of the leading theologians of Vatican II, known for his statement that "the twenty-first century Christian mystic or will not it be", believes that the radical division of the body as material and immaterial soul as the principle of consciousness (the mind or spirit) is not appropriate. In terms of human being as a unity and wholeness, body and mind are not separable, but there are two aspects of one being (Balswick, King, & Reimer, 52-68).

He is a man in what is clearly material, in terms of the senses, desires, emotions, which it shares with the animal world. For now, the problem of the body and corporeality leave. What strikes the eye with a careful reading of all the quoted passage is that Paul not only speaks of levels of existence, but also a certain evolution, a development which passes through these levels ...
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