Human Development

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The Observations & Reflective Account: Human Development

The Observations & Reflective Account: Human Development


The study performed to understand the human development. This study focuses on a three-year-old child to understand his behaviour. This observation is to understand the attitudes, behaviours of the child at different places. For the study a child was selected which was a British, he lived with his parents and practiced the religion of Christianity. The child was three year old, furthermore, the observations was conducted for one hour. This one hour was divided in to two sections of forty minutes (40) and the twenty minutes (20). In first section, the child was observed in the nursery class for forty minutes and then at home with his parents for twenty minutes as the people behave different at different places. Moreover, negotiation is the process of agreeing the best outcome which circumstances will permit for all the parties. This observation is a close examination of children perhaps focusing on their language, play, behaviour, attitudes or other aspects of development based up on the theories of related to the human development. (Vygotsky, 1978, 37-48)


Eriksson Theory on Human Development

Eriksson is basically recognized for his work in the field of Human Development particularly in his Eight Stages of human or the psychosocial Development which are influenced by the Freud, and also by the Eriksson's observations about the human development. Eriksson's psychosocial development includes certain crisis which a person has to face at the each stage of development. However, in this study, only stages that are related to children are concerned as the observation of this study is based on the three year old child. (Eysenck & Wilson, 1973, 99-120)

In the Eriksson's stages of human development, the first stage of development is known as the oral sensory that is between the births to 18 months period where we as child or infants totally dependent upon our parents or others. Furthermore, if our infants' wants and needs are fulfilled with love, affection, and reliability then we build up a sense of trust or security in our relationship and in our environment. On the other hand, we are treated with unpredictability, abuse, or indifference, we become anxious and fearful, even withdrawn. We develop insecurity and mistrust, and a feeling of emerging hopelessness. (Eriksson, 1950, 92)

In the next stage, muscular anal, we as a child start to have a little control on our environment and physicality. In this stage a child we learn to hold, to walk, and to manipulate objects. It is the stage where we begin potty training and get sphincter control. If the parents are overly impatient or critical or if they put down our efforts, then a child often develop feelings of doubt and shame. If, though, our caregivers are encouraging and supportive then we develop a sense of self esteem and autonomy. (Eriksson, 1950, 99)

The third stage is known as the loco-motor period where the tasks for us to gain knowledge of some independence and to take initiative in discovery ...
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