Human Development

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Human Development

First name of child/person James Age of child/person: 10 years

Date of Your Observation 18-April-2011 Time span observed: 3 Hours


Observed: International Nursing Care

Question 1

The organization where it was observed was clean, pretty neat, slightly occupied with people moving here and there and even a few occupied with their own work and things. The room was pleasant and there had been large windows that were there to give an airy feeling of freshness and warmth of the nature and its innate presence. It was even spacious giving feeling of freedom and wideness. The caregivers were busy with people that were there who were going through regular checkup and guidance. There was special care taken for people who were elderly and required special effort in cases that were acute to their health.

Question 2

In the other corner of the room there was a child, around 10 years old who was very fair in complexion. There had been a distinguishing catch about him which made him the perfect observant for the study to be done. A loosened dress was on and the respondent was bald. This was noticeable as he was the only one bald and with a look that showed intelligence with sarcasm with just a glance. He was surrounded with many other children that were present there and they all were cheering around him, whereas he neglected everything else and continued to watch something with remarkable interest. The child was in the activity room where anyone living there could avail the facility to do something of their interest rather it be interaction or something related to their own personal interest (Campbell, 2002).

Question 3

The muscular, skeletal, nervous, respiratory, circulatory and immune systems are mature enough according to the age of the respondent and the first tooth had been appeared, as noticed. The growth and health showed that the nutrition in take is good and so has it come across the development simultaneously. Minor illnesses help strengthen immunity to disease and carry serious emotional and cognitive benefits (Campbell, 2002).

There was no such factors found that may exhibit that there is any such illnesses seen and got to be taken care of. As soon as I entered the observation area, saw the individual leaning on a chair, trying to focus to what was being viewed on the television set. There was an immense concentration to the respective activity that was there. This showed the interest that belonged to everything that was visional. Similarly, it was observed that motor development is advancing rapidly, and its progress in gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination were doing well. Works better ability to recognize that the recall. The recall is necessary for the processing and use of information. The memory is influenced by motivation skills, study strategies, general knowledge and social interactions (Campbell, 2002).

On further commencement, the emblematic function appeared and showed in the symbolic play and language, which allowed the child to mentally represent the people, objects and events surrounding ...
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